Montag, 31. Januar 2011

Matching Paint Colors to Print Colors

Spray Painting a Project A few years ago in this space, I discussed a frustrating situation I had with Matching Custom Paint Colors. In my mind, I couldn't fathom how a paint shop ...

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Why Going Solar Is More Affordable Now?


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Loveseat Glider Rocker

Free Plans to build an Adirondack Loveseat Glider Rocker. This set of free woodworking plans takes you step-by-step through building a two-person love seat glider rocker based on a very comfortable Adirondack chair style. Since it is a loveseat built for two, this glider rocker is perfect for your deck, patio or front porch. Download the free woodworking plans today!


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Solar Powered Pumps: Cost Free Alternative Means of Getting Water

Solar powered pumps are very versatile gadgets as it can be utilized for various home and business operations. They can be used in garden water ponds as well as in fountains which are for aesthetic purposes. But such powers can also be used for nobler purposes like pumping water into far flung places. The fact is that solar powered pumps are now one of the more popular means for people to pump water.

Of course, other means such as windmills are also in use. However, there are many areas wherein solar powered pumps are actually replacing them. How do these pumps operate? Everything all depends of solar panels, the number of which that?s needed is dependent on how deep the well is. Of course, if the well is too deep, this means more power for the pump is needed, and consequently more number of
solar panels.

Definitely there are zero running costs as solar powered pumps are solely run by the power from the sun. This is unlike the other conventional pumps which are needed to be powered by electricity and thereby making the operational expenses high.

And since the solar powered pumps only run via the power coming from the rays of the sun rather than the electricity from the local utility, these means that the use of such pumps make your home friendly to the environment. These special pumps do not in any way contribute to the already worsening environmental problem of global warming.


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Pre-Stain Wood Conditioner

When working with soft, porous woods such as pine, fir, birch and maple, stains often are absorbed unevenly. This can leave a streaky, inconsistent finish. To help combat this problem, apply a pre-stain wood conditioner. Learn how this one extra step will yield much better results in your stained woodworking projects.


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Renewable Energy Grant


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Step Right Up and Feast Your Eyes

I want John Sindelar to come decorate my house.

I love this guy's style.

It's "19th-century gypsy" according to John, who has remarkable talent for creating Old World atmosphere.

As you step inside his trailer, it's like walking onto a theatrical set, or a turn-of-the-century carnival tent, or a Dungeons and Dragons game.

Visions of knights and castles, and medieval chambers transport you out of the real world and into John Sindelar's fantastic tool collection, only 1/10th of which was brought to the conference.

As you duck beneath the ornate and fringed tapestry to enter the museum, everything is cast in an amber and reddish glow.

Gilded frames house saws and braces. The 12'-long, floor-to-ceiling display cabinet (which he built in only 14 hours), is reminiscent of a Victorian train station.

Planes, axes (one, an enormous beheading axe), dividers?all ornately carved?are everywhere you look. Tools are suspended from the scrollwork pattern painted on the ceiling. An elaborate chair and tool chest, decorated with detailed marquetry, become display platforms for one-of-a-kind plumb bobs, trammels points, and measuring devices.

The lighting casts heavy shadows so that the wooden tools, with their rich, warm patina emerge from dark corners, like objects in a Caravaggio painting.

John is not only a high-end furniture maker, he's a carver, engraver, and painter. See the outside of his trailer? He and another man painted that.

Not only is his collection impressive, the man himself is worthy of praise.


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Got a Question? See if We Have an Answer!


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Solar One in the Snow- Great Pics and Big Thanks!

It snowed 21 inches in Stuyvesant Cove Park yesterday! Combined with the Great Boxing Day Blizzard, there's been a lot more shoveling going on than usual. Chris Fowler, our Park Maintenance superstar, has been getting quite the workout- but many people don't know that Chris is also a great chronicler of the Park and its many changes. In addition to the one of the building practically buried, check out this gorgeous shot of one of the park beds:

One of the most wonderful things about Solar One and Stuyvesant Cove Park is the dedication of our volunteers who do so much to help make both Solar One and the Park so special. Here are two of our Park Angels, Wendy Byrne and Geoffrey Berresford, pitching in to help Chris shovel all that snow this morning (all photos by Chris Fowler):

Snow Angel Wendy

Snow Angel Geoff. Amazingly, he feels no need for gloves?

Thanks to both of you, and to all the Park Angels and Program Volunteers who donate their time, energy, enthusiasm and skills year after year! �We could never do it all without you!


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Dovetail Drawer Building

Building dovetail drawers is one of the most fundamental skills of furniture making. In these free woodworking plans, learn the basics of building through-dovetail drawers. Follow along step-by-step through these free dovetail drawer plans.


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Solar Panels Guide

Solar panels, mounting hardware, inverter, wiring and conduit, specialized meters: these are the components of all photovoltaic (PV) systems. But it?s the solar panels themselves that not only make up the bulk of your solar quote, but whose technology, costs, and applications are the most hotly contested. People ask all the time what the differences are among panels?here?s a thorough but lay-person friendly answer.

Before the overview, a quick vocab lesson:  A solar cell is the actual, wafer-thin semiconductor that produces electricity. A solar module is multiple solar cells connected to one another. A solar panel is one or more solar modules sealed up in a single object (frame) and used as part of a solar array. A solar array is the whole shebang mentioned above: the solar panels plus all the ancillary equipment necessary to not only produce electricity from sunlight, but to channel and use it.

Crystalline Solar

Crystalline solar panels have been around, in varying stages of efficiency and attractiveness, for decades. They?re on space stations and satellites?they?re reliable and they last for ages. The semicondutor?the element responsible for the actual electric generation?is a thin sheet of crystalline silicon. There are two kinds of crystalline solar cells, which differ in how they?re manufactured, their efficiency levels, and ultimately, their end cost to the consumer.

  • monocrystalline solar cells: Literally of one crystal, these cells are wafers sliced off one large, organically grown cylindrical silicon crystal. With their nearly perfect crystalline structure, these wafers are superb conductors of electricity. Current monocrystalline solar panels on the market can turn more than 15 percent of the sunlight that hits their surface into electricity.
    • Monocrystalline Solar ModuleThe crystal growth and extrusion process is time- and labor-intensive, and there is great materials loss involved in cutting the circular crystal wafers into usable octagonal solar cells, which is why solar modules made with these cells are the most expensive ones on the market.
    • They are only cost-effective in some scenarios because their high efficiency means they produce more power over time than other, cheaper modules. Efficiency can go as high as 22 percent on the market, and just over 25 percent in the lab.
    • You can tell when you?re looking at a monocrystalline solar module because you?ll see little white diamonds (or black, with some manufacturers) formed by the empty space between the edges of the octagonal cells.
  • polycrystalline solar cells: These solar cells are cut from multicrystalline silicon cast in large shallow trays. There?s a lot less labor, cutting, and waste involved with polycrystalline, so they?re cheaper than their mono brethren. However, the casting process produces a less perfect crystalline structure, which means these cells don?t transmit energy as efficiently. These are very standard solar modules: good efficiency, decent price.
    • Polycrystalline Solar ModulePolycrystalline solar modules have a uniform appearance. Their color is a prettily mottled blue-black. Efficiency is usually more like 12-15 percent. These are the go-to type of solar panel for residential installations in particular, where the slight step down from monocrystalline efficiency is more than offset by the cost savings. You?ll hear monocrystalline solar panels referred to as ?the best?; this isn?t necessarily true. Mono- and poly-cells simply have different niches.

Amorphous or Thin-Film Solar

This is the technology that?s set the industry abuzz with news of ultra-cheap solar: $1/watt or less. For the record, they?re talking about manufactured costs here?by no means does that number reflect what you could expect to pay as a consumer. Super cheap solar is indeed nothing more than a rumor. It?s simply fact: this is high technology. High technology costs money. Federal, state, and utility solar incentives, however, can combine to lower the net cost of solar energy systems drastically, and turn a big ticket item into one excellent investment.

But yes, it?s exciting that there is a cheaper solar technology afoot, and it has some great applications. Thin film can be made of different materials, sometimes silicon based and sometimes using chemical polymers as the semiconductor.  Thin film drawbacks? Very low efficiency compared to crystalline, with rates typically in the 8-9 percent range; and dubious life expectancy. Crystalline solar panels are warrantied for 25-30 years, and history has proven that they can and will produce energy long after that range. Thin-film has no such tried and true promise of efficacy, which means it can be difficult to predict its returns over a longer period. It?s also easier to damage. Crystalline solar modules, encased in glass and weather-sealed, are built to tough out the elements and have been proven to do so successfully. Additionally, thin film only works for solar installation sites where space is no object and angle no concern?either a perfectly tilted roof (best angle for solar is equal to the latitude of the install site) or a perfectly flat one.

In summary:

Monocrystalline: Most efficient; most expensive; attractive octagonal design; especially good for solar installations where space is at a premium.

Polycrystalline: Efficient; moderately priced; classic ?solar panel? coloration and design; best all-around choice.

Thin film: Inefficient; cheap; best for commercial installations where higher quantity can compensate for lower quality.


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Brogues - carved from Amur cherry

Brogues - carved from Amur cherry

I carve wooden boots regularly and my latest is a pair of “Brogues” carved from a piece of Amur cherry .
I used a Foredom power carver with a flex shaft and the piece is finished with tung oil.


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What exactly is Grid-Tie system and exactly how does it work?

Grid-tie solar panel systems produce energy, transmitting this power to your utility company’s electrical power grid. Essentially, this implies the utility company will be paying out you to generate electricity for them, because the power you have produced counts against the energy your property or company utilizes. Your own solar power panels may generate DC [...]


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A number of woodworking materials available in the home center are man-made. Plywood is one such manufactured material. Learn how plywood is made and the advantages of using plywood.


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Volunteering to install solar this weekend


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Sonntag, 30. Januar 2011

Chip Carving Video

This video covers a few chip carving basics for beginners. To learn more, I highly recommend Wayne Barton's book, The Complete Guide to Chip Carving.*

I'm not sure if I made it clear enough in the video, but the primary knife is the one that should NOT have any bevels. You SHOULD have bevels on the stab knife, however. Do not remove those.

View the video in a larger format here.

*I do not benefit from the sale of Wayne's book. He wouldn't even know that I'm recommending it.
A few people asked where I bought my knives and stones--I bought them from Wayne Barton (available on his website).


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Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Important Components of Solar Panels

Photovoltaic solar cells work by effectively converting solar light into electricity. Actually these solar cells which are found in home solar panel function to the maximum if you have them exposed fully to the rays of the sun. That?s why home owners who decide on having residential solar panels installed on top of the roofs to provide alternative source of electricity must see to it that their panels receive full solar exposure. If you are to buy photovoltaic cells for alternative power, you have to make sure that they are installed on the part of roof that?s free from shadows of trees or taller building and similar structures. Here is an informative video clip about silicon photovoltaic cells and how they produce electricity for home and other various uses.


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Fine Woodworking ? Jointer Safety


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Solar Universe Makes Solar More Affordable With BriteLease?

WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif., Jan. 27, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Solar Universe announces the availability of BriteLease?, a residential solar lease program backed by Suntech, the world's largest solar panel manufacturer.  This lease offering makes solar accessible to homeowners with a small up-front deposit and low monthly lease payments. The solar lease payment in combination with a new lower electricity bill will result in lower monthly electric costs for most homeowners.  And, the savings are immediate, giving homeowners the opportunity to use their money on other things or just save it.

In addition to the financial rewards, BriteLease makes going solar hassle-free with system maintenance, repair service and insurance coverage all included for the term of the lease.

"This solar lease allows everyone with $500 to take advantage of the sun's energy and save money at the same time.  All you pay is a $500 deposit, that's it! Every other solar company's lease is 20 years, the BriteLease is only 15 years.  What's better is, you can sell your house within the 15 years, and the lease is transferrable.  Electrical rates are guaranteed to rise every year, why not freeze your power bill now," said Mitch Katz, Solar Universe Franchise Owner for Ventura & Los Angeles Counties. 

Founded in 2001, Suntech produces the largest quantity of silicon solar modules in the world. From development and manufacturing to final delivery, Suntech offers the most reliable solar energy solutions to homes, businesses and large-scale solar power plants. With state of the art manufacturing and a constant focus on innovation, Suntech is able to offer the highest quality products to its customers at an affordable price.

Solar Universe is a locally owned and operated solar company and part of a nationwide service network providing solar system design, financing options and installation to residential and commercial customers. Solar Universe strives to find solar solutions for each customer to reduce or eliminate their electricity costs. With the company's many financing options and lease program, BriteLease, homeowners and businesses are given more opportunities than ever before to buy or lease solar.

If you are interested in BriteLease from Solar Universe or any of the services offered by Solar Universe, please call (805) 777-7477 or e-mail to learn more about BriteLease.


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Finally A Real Workbench!

Finally A Real Workbench!

Well I finally got some time and build a new workbench/assembly table. I was inspired by Carlos Calderon’s video on YouTube. Thank you, Carlos. It is made from 2×4s and the top is a solid wood core door with birch veneer.
Got that idea on Jocks. I’ll have to say that it is heavy, solid, and square. I am happy about going that route.

Applied a couple coats of Minwax Polycrylic. First time using the product, it went on easy and dries quickly even

this lovely cold spell we are having here in central IL. I know over time the top will get bunged so I can always overlay some hardboard or something. The bench took about 6 hours or so to construct but the drawers, that’s another story! Everything came to a grinding stop. I first tried to make the case out of 3/4’’ plywood from Menards. Besides the fact it was bowed, I sized the case wrong(UGH!). Well anyhow, making along story short,
I tore it down and made another out of 3/4 MDF. It is a perfect 3/4’’ thick to make my math calculations easier.
Math is not my strong suit

Drawers are made from 1/2’’ birch ply and 100# full extension glides. Added front vise, that is going to be handy. The project is a little rude and crude but that’s to be expected considering the source, me! I learned a lot and want to build some more shop furniture for experience then bring it into the house. Thanks for takin’ a look, Jack.


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Solar - Obama Calls For Clean Energy ?Apollo Mission?

During his State of the Union Address, President Obama this evening made renewable energy his first topic of discussion, front and center.

Obama proposed reallocating Federal funds from supporting petroleum producers to developing renewable energy like solar panels.

And he proposed a goal for the country to generate 80% of its electricity needs from renewable energy sources by 2035.

You don't have to wait 25 years for 80% renewable energy.  You can install solar panels today for a few thousands dollars, have plenty of solar and cut your electric bill.  Plus you'll be supporting green jobs.

The president started with an anecdote about two American entrepreneurs, who appeared to be seated in the audience. ?Already we?re seeing the promise of renewable energy,? said Obama. The entrepreneurs, with the help of government loans, had turned their small, defunct factory into a plant for making ?solar shingles,? said Obama (I think he meant panels), ?that are being used all across the country.?

The founders ?reinvented ourselves,? Obama said, referring to the entrepreneurs.

Then, alluding to America?s ?Sputnik moment? ? an analogy he drew at the beginning of the address between America?s challenges today and the space race with the Russians ? Obama said, ?We?re telling America?s scientists and engineers that if they assemble teams to identify the best projects in renewable energy, we?ll fund the Apollo Mission of our time.?

Obama said that to achieve 80% clean electricity generation by 2035, the country would have to support numerous kinds of fuels and technologies. ?Some folks want wind and solar, others want nuclear, clean coal, natural gas. To meet this goal, we will need them all.?

Obama went on to propose the country, ?Eliminate the billions of taxpayer dollars we currently give to oil companies.?

?I don?t know if you?ve noticed, but they?re doing just fine on their own,? Obama quipped, to chuckles in the chamber. ?Instead of subsidizing yesterday?s energy, lets create those of tomorrow.?


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Spindle Sanding with a Router

When needing to sand curved cuts from a jigsaw or a band saw, the best results come from an oscillating spindle sander. However, if you don't have a spindle sander, there are other options with other woodworking tools. In this article we show you how to use your router table as a spindle sander.


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Earth Day


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Figured African Mahogany - DFW (McKinney)

This is my first time posting in the sales forum here on LJ’s. So if I break a rule, please forgive and just tell me what to do in order to fix it….

I have 106bdft of 10/4, 7’ long, S2S African Mahogany (total of 9 boards).

Phone David at 214-620-8362

I want to sell this entire lot at once, if possible. I’ll sell it all for $500… that’s less than $5/bdft..

Individual board pricing is $5.5/bdft for the lesser figure and $7/bdft for the highly figured. Not sure how many pics I can post so I’ll post a few to give you some idea of each… I have good pics of all the boards… so if you’re interested let me know… or just come on over, look at them, and take em home with ya..

8.5” wide $7/bdft material

8.5” wide $5.5/bdft material



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Sunvalley Solar Gains Manufacturer Support to Further Patented Technology

WALNUT, Calif., Jan. 26, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Sunvalley Solar, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: SSOL), a leading provider of solar power technology and solar integration systems, announced that PV manufacturers in China will lend their support to further develop and commercialize on Sunvalley's own patented solar technology

In November 2010, Sunvalley Solar filed an application for an SBIR (Small Business Innovative Research) grant offered by the Department of Energy (DOE). Sunvalley Solar proposed a "Surface Plasmon PV Concentrator" designed for PV cells. This will be the first PV concentrator based on surface plasmon resonance. This innovative design is based on Sunvalley Solar's patent pending technology. With further development, this technology could be commercialized in panel manufacturing and improve the efficiency of solar cells. The development of this technology continues to attract interest from manufacturers in China, like CEEG under China Sunergy (Nasdaq: CSUN) and Tianwei Solarfilms.

"We are very excited for the potential of this proposal in terms of its technological innovation, and the possibility of it providing high quality but cost effective nanofabrication tools. This new technology will certainly be beneficial to our company's applications," said Sally Fan, Sales Manager from CEEG, China Sunergy.

"As an end user as well as a developer of solar cell modules, Baoding Tianwei is delighted to see that Sunvalley Solar, Inc. is attempting to build such an innovative lithographic technology for the next generation of solar cell modules. Because this technology has a unique potential to accelerate the deployment of next generation thin film solar cell, we fully endorse this proposal. Should the technology be proven feasible, we would like to work with Sunvalley Solar, Inc. to aggressively bring this innovation into the market," said Mickey Liu, Sales Director from Baoding Tianwei Solarfilms Co.


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I have recently started dabbling with framing, this is my second frame and though it seemed such a simple project I found that the quality of your tools definatly matters. I started with some discarded pine molding a local contracter was getting rid of. Some of it was bowed or damaged on the ends. I did the miter cuts on a cheapo portable tablesaw i borrowed from a friend (I’m still scouring craigslist for my TS). The cuts showed quite significant gaps so I used some elmers wood glue, filled the gaps and sanded while the glue was still wet to pick up the same color of the boards (learned that trick on the forums here), what I failed to learn was that glue does not except stain. After the cuts were done I joined everything using a craftsman biscuit cutter and some small 1 inch biscuits. I then hand sanded and used a little water to raise the grain. This is where I found out glue does not like stain. I applied a coat of ebony stain and noticed what I now know was glue splotches, I tried and tried to apply stain and nothing so I jumped on the internet and continued to read post after post about glue not taking stain and how to fix glue splotches (most people said resand resand resand.) Well I resigned myself to fixing it and began sanding away the stain and glue but as I went it began to take on a nice pattern and look a little antiqued so I did a little more artsy sanding and than finished it off with 3 coats of satin polyurethane I used acyrilic sheet for the glass and viola. You will have to forgive my rookiness since I am definatly a rookie but through my mistake I learned a technique which I think makes for a beautiful finish, and I also learned the valuable lesson of prep prep prep before finish. Thanks for looking.


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