Sonntag, 4. September 2011

Plug-In Hybrid Campaign

I encourage everyone to sign this online plug in hybrid campaign urging automakers to produce plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). The petition basically says, 'If you build it, we will buy it.' Plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles are key to energy independence and reducing pollution.

Over 40 percent of the generating capacity in the U.S. sits idle or operates at a reduced load overnight, when most PHEVs would be charged. That means tens of millions of plug-ins could be charged every night without the need to build additional electric generation capacity.

According to the California Electric Transportation Coalition that commissioned a study, if automakers begin producing Plug-Ins within the next few years, 2.5 million cars (eight percent of the cars on America's roads) could be Plug-Ins by the year 2020. That's the equivalent of taking as many as 5 million of today's vehicles off the road. Annually that's 11.5 million tons of CO2 which won't be emitted and 1.14 Billion gallons of gasoline would be saved each year. For those concerned about energy security it is definitely a step in the right direction. Less than 2% of U.S. electricity is generated from oil, so using electricity as a transportation fuel would greatly reduce dependence on imported petroleum.

Sign the Plug-In Hybrid Petition


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30- Somebody Feed Me

Anyone can make this functional and sturdy outfeed table.


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$4b Investment in Wind Power by BP Alternative Energy

BP is making its first major investment in wind power with a joint venture that will lead to a major expansion of its generating capacity.

The oil company announced it had entered a five-year supply and development agreement involving five wind power projects in the US with Clipper Windpower.

The news sent Clipper shares up 80p, or 28 per cent, to 362.5p in London. The projects, with an anticipated total generating capacity of 2,015 megawatts, are situated in New York, Texas and South Dakota.

BP has also secured a mix of firm and contingent orders of up to 2,250 megawatts of additional Clipper wind turbines in its global wind energy portfolio, the companies said.

BP launched BP Alternative Energy to focus on solar, hydrogen and wind power but its wind operation has up to now been confined to two projects with a combined output of only 31 megawatts.

Steve Westwell, the chief executive of BP Alternative Energy, said: "We believe the Clipper turbine is a breakthrough in reducing the total cost of renewable energy and we are pleased to be the first large customers for this innovative technology."

This is thought to be the biggest single investment in wind power estimated at $4 billion US dollars.

The announcement, came in the same week that the British government published its energy review and a telephone poll found that 79% of respondents thought solar power and 76% wind power were the best investments in electricity generation for the UK.


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Laser work

For student Projects:
Anyone know how to manipulate fonts in Google Sketchup so that i can add mounting holes to a font and have them laser cut in steel. Converting to DXF is no problem.


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Video: War Veteran Uses Solar Power

This is a nice video about an Irag war veteran who installed solar panels to save money and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Learn how easy and affordable it was for him to go solar. You can solar power your home for as little as $89 a month.

(c) FreeCleanSolar, Inc.


Clint Eastwood Miles Davis Jane Austen Eddie Murphy Margaret Thatcher Steve Martin Britney Spears Tyra Banks Michele Pfeiffer Pamela Anderson

Samstag, 3. September 2011

Price for maple question

First of all, hello all. I was at my local home depot today to pick up some electrical stuff for some upcoming remodeling, and like i always do i made a pass thru the lumber aisle, My store started carring maple sometime last year. Today when i got to the maple section every size of it was priced with yellow stickers, not like the rest of there stuff, and was like a buck a linear foot, seemed like regardless of what width, the 1×8’s where a few cents more. I asked why the crazy price drop and got nothing substancial. I picked thru and found me a few boards that where straight and looked good. so my Question is why? And are you guys seeing it also. Im hoping nothing is wrong with the lot they got.It wasnt as if it was on sale, it was as if they were trying to get rid of it asap, anybody got anything


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China to Spend Billions on Alternative Energy

China is to spend billions on alternative energy and many times more on oil and coal.

Tim Johnson of Knight Ridder reports that barely a dozen years ago the country didn't need deep-sea oil ports, massive tank farms and a brawny foreign policy to procure oil in far-flung spots.

Today, China is an oil-guzzling dragon with a voracious thirst, much like the United States. Supertankers stretching three football fields in length now wait to enter China's deep-sea ports.

The busiest oil terminal is at Ningbo on the East China Sea. Shipping records show that in November, supertankers arrived there from Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iran, Yemen, Equatorial Guinea, Angola and Congo to feed a craving that's helped drive up crude oil prices, rattle global politics and put China and the United States at odds in some of the world's most unstable regions.

China's thirst for oil has emboldened Iran and complicated the refugee crisis in Sudan. With its economy growing at a 9 percent annual rate, China is also courting many of America's oil suppliers, including Canada and Venezuela.

Increasingly, the United States and China are throwing elbows as global rivals for energy. The tussle could get more aggressive if the two nations can't manage to co-exist in the global energy contest.

"We've got to start those discussions before the race for oil becomes as hot and dangerous as the nuclear arms race between the U.S. and the Soviet Union," Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., said in a Nov. 30 speech to the Council on Foreign Relations. "If we let it go, this could end up in real military conflict, not just economic conflict." It is interesting to note that this "race for oil" is framed as a zero sum game in which one country wins and another loses. An alternative would be international cooperation to maximise energy efficiency, minimise pollution and radically increase renewable energy.

Compared with the United States, which consumes 25 percent of the world's annual oil output, China burns only 6 percent of the world's production. Yet its energy use is rising steeply.

China exported more oil than it imported until 1993, when imports began to surge. This year, it's importing 3.4 million barrels a day, and some estimates say that within a decade it'll need 7 million barrels a day. Within two decades, demand could reach 12 million barrels a day, which would equal U.S. imports today. China's oil thirst since 2000 has accounted for 40 percent of the global demand growth for crude oil.

Senior Chinese officials grow testy at the suggestion that China's rising needs are roiling oil markets, saying the nation is following a natural path to prosperity.

"Some people complain that China is driving up oil prices. They think the reason lies in China's high consumption of oil," said Zhang Guobao, the vice-chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission. But Zhang said that China's per capita energy consumption is one-sixth of developed countries and deserves to rise.

"Chinese people want to live a prosperous life. So the world should respect China's right to development," Zhang said. In other words Zhang is saying the Chinese have a right to an energy rich lifestyle, sound familiar?

China still wastes energy, leaving huge potential savings from efficiency. To generate $1 million in economic output, China needs eight times more oil -- or its energy equivalent -- than Japan does. Chinese officials claim a turnabout in efficiency is under way. Last summer, China made fuel standards for cars more stringent than those in the United States, and a campaign is afoot to ramp up reliance on renewable energy. The United States and other western nations have an opportunity to help China to become as energy efficient as possible as fast as possible rather than trying to sell Chinese consumers gas guzzling SUVs.

Some experts suggest long-term projections on China's energy needs may be premature because the nation is capable of rapid adaptation and change, and of greater reliance on its vast coal reserves.

Some 68 percent of China's power comes from coal, and the nation is building electric power plants at a rate never seen before on Earth, fueling them from unsafe shafts where thousands of miners are killed each year.

China built power plants this year generating 68 gigawatts of electricity and plans 80 more gigawatts of capacity in 2006, equal to the entire capacity of Britain.

"It took the U.K. 110 years to build those 80 gigawatts," said James M. Brock, an expert who advises the Beijing office of Cambridge Energy Research Associates, a U.S. consultancy.

Nonetheless, China is seeking oil security differently than other countries in East Asia. It has sent its three major state-owned oil companies to scour the globe and invest in foreign oil companies and oil fields. China, a relative newcomer to capitalism, allegedly deeply mistrusts the global oil markets, viewing them as distastefully volatile.

Some analysts believe China's strategy has led it to bid heavily -- and even to overpay -- for some assets. It's adapted a very 19th century approach to energy security, where you seek an almost mercantilist lock-up of energy sources," said John J. Hamre, the president of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington public policy organization.

China has some reason to be nervous. While imported oil makes up only about 12 percent of China's total energy needs, its energy lifelines increasingly lead to the volatile Middle East. Some 60 percent of China's oil imports come from the Persian Gulf region. Supertankers carrying the oil must pass through the pirate-infested Malacca Straits off Malaysia, where China's oil is protected by the U.S. Navy. China is beefing up its own navy, but it still can't protect faraway sea-lanes. To diversify its suppliers, China has gone oil shopping in Central Asia, West Africa and even in South and North America.

Sometimes, Chinese oil companies simply bid high, as CNOOC, one of the national oil companies, did last summer when it offered $18.5 billion for the California oil company Unocal, a deal that was derailed by Capitol Hill critics who suggested that it threatened U.S. national security.

At other times, Chinese diplomats trail the state oil companies, sweetening investment bids with offers of few-strings-attached aid packages, hands-off political support and weapons.

"Everywhere the Chinese go in the developing world, they go with a lot of development money" said Gal Luft, a Washington-based analyst and the executive director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, a non-profit organization that focuses on the relationship between energy needs and the economy and national security.

China has offered large amounts of development aid in Africa, where it gets 28 percent of its imported crude and plays an increasingly important diplomatic role.

Last year, China gave Angola, its second-largest oil supplier after Saudi Arabia, a $2 billion oil-backed loan to help repair its war-ravaged national infrastructure.

China has courted oil-rich nations such as Sudan, Venezuela and Iran that are officially out of favour with Washington, even dangling the possibility of using its United Nations Security Council veto to protect them against sanctions.

China last year repeatedly blocked U.N. attempts to punish Sudan for failing to stop atrocities in its Darfur region. China owns a 40 percent stake in the major oil consortium drilling in Sudan, and it buys half of Sudan's crude exports.

Eyeing Nigeria's oil fields, China has offered Lagos some $7 billion in investments and said it may sell the country fighter jets too.

Iran which won pledges from China last year for $70 billion worth of oil and natural gas deals, also enjoys vital support from Beijing. Iran now appears confident that it can resist pressure from the European Union and the United States over its nuclear program, certain that China will veto any attempt to impose U.N. sanctions.

Reuters resports that a Chinese state-owned energy firm plans to invest at least $2.48 billion over the next five years in biomass, garbage treatment and other alternative energy projects.

China Energy Conservation Investment Corp. made the plans to take advantage of a new law promoting renewable energy, which sets tariffs in favor of non-fossil energy such as wind, water and solar power and is due to take effect in January.

"We see tremendous business opportunities from the new law," the China Daily quoted Wang Yi, a senior company official, as saying. Coal provides some 70 percent of electricity in China, the world's second-largest energy consumer and producer of greenhouse gases. The state-owned company has started building two wind farms and a new facility that would harness steam generated from garbage and sewage treatment to produce power, the newspaper said.

The firm had budgeted about $1.1 billion to build the garbage-powered plant underway in eastern China and 10 others like it in other parts of the country over the next five years, Wang said.

Another $1.1 billion would go toward constructing up to 30 biomass energy projects in major agricultural provinces, which use organic or woody material such as straw to make fuel or generate power.

China has set a goal of getting 15 percent of its energy from renewable sources by 2020, though it has acknowledged that coal will remain its primary source of electricity for decades to come.


Within the overall context China's $2.48 billion investment in alternative energy seems insignificant. China is spending huge sums expanding dirty coal fired electricity production. These new plants are not "clean" coal plants and are certainly not carbon neutral (at least not before 2020). Huge amounts of energy is being wasted in China and this looks set to continue. China has some of the world's worst industrial pollution. It doesn't have to be this way. There is an opportunity for international development and cooperation to help China and the rest of the world avoid some of the worst negative consequences of rapid industrialisation. It won't be cheap and it won't be easy.

Or we can seek to deny the Chinese the energy rich lifestyle that many in the west believe is their birthright.

China - An Energy Timebomb?

Watthead - Is Red China Going Green?


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A tour of David Marks' art gallery! The tour finishes up with David on the drums!


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Solar Panels Cost: How do Sellers Arrive at Solar Panel Prices

Generally speaking, especially for those who want to own them home solar panels cost expensively, especially if they decide that they need those that has high amount of wattage. Despite the exorbitant cost of solar panels, it is still strongly suggested for you to purchase it and have it installed on top of your abode?s roof as the benefits that you can enjoy from its usage are definitely immense. Suffice it to say that alternative energy experts recognize these sun power gadgets as the most promising source of energy that?s available in our times.

In fact, not only in the USA are they manufactured and produced but in many other parts of the world such as China, Korea, Japan and even in Europe. There are many famous brands that are available in any home appliance shops that you can buy, on various types of models such as Kyocera, Sanyo among many others. Hence, it is advised for prospective buyer to try researching for various models first and check the prices to see if their specifications and functions fairly match the solar panels cost and prices.

Actually, solar panel prices can be based on the weight of the device as well as the systems configuration. You must also base the price on the particular type of equipment and its specifications as far as the watt, ampere and volts of the equipment are concerned. For example, when it comes to solar panel watts, the smaller the wattage, the less is the cost of solar panels, while the higher that the watt number goes up the more that you will have to shell out money for your device. Remember however that watt is only one of the important factors that make up the price of the panel such as volts so it is imperative to consider them as well.
Image credit: lpetrides


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Plant Stands

Plant Stands

A simple stand for potted plants. This was one of my early projects, made as a present. I made a second version with seven platforms, which was my first ever commissioned piece.


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143 ? Scraper Sharpening w/ William Ng

William Ng's method for sharpening a card scraper.


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Solar and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act


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Wood Talk Online Radio #76

A show with very little planning. Just how we like it!


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Update on Shell's Gannet Alpha platform oil leak

Update on Shell's Gannet Alpha platform oil leak

Statement by the Secretary of State's representative, Hugh Shaw

Speaking in Aberdeen today, Mr Hugh Shaw said:

“As the Secretary of State’s Representative for Maritime Salvage and Intervention I was notified on Friday evening of the Shell Gannet Alpha oil spill incident.

“My role since then is to monitor and approve Shell’s response to the spill to ensure that it is dealt with as quickly and as safely as possible, and with minimum impact on the environment. I have been updating Ministers and other organisations routinely on progress.

“This is an independent role for which I have established an Operations Control Unit (OCU) consisting of a full team of experts to advise me, including independent technical specialists. The team, which includes the Department of Energy and Climate Change, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and Marine Scotland, has been co-located at Shell’s office in Aberdeen and we are working very closely with the company.

“Based on the latest intelligence that I have, my view is that the oil leak is under control and has now been greatly reduced as validated by remotely operated vehicle footage and Government aerial surveillance flights. The priority now and over the coming days is to completely halt any further leakage in what is a complex environment.

“Although the spill was deemed as significant, our information is still that the oil is not expected to reach the shore, and that it will be dispersed naturally.

”It will be for DECC and the HSE inspectors to thoroughly investigate the causes of this incident, and once the full report is completed, it will be sent the Scottish Procurator Fiscal who will consider it and make a decision on further action.”


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Dovetail Drawer Building

Building dovetail drawers is one of the most fundamental skills of furniture making. In these free woodworking plans, learn the basics of building through-dovetail drawers. Follow along step-by-step through these free dovetail drawer plans.


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Why are Oil Prices So High?

Why are oil prices so high? This is the question being asked with increasing frequency in many countries around the world. Some would have you believe that the blame should be placed on "greedy oil companies", "Arabs", "speculators" or "OPEC".

While speculation is happening with investors and hedge funds looking to commodities for returns that are not being seen in the stock or property markets, there are underlying fundamental reasons which mean prices are likely to stay high.

Last November the International Energy Agency released its annual World Energy Outlook report. Traditionally the agency has projected energy supply based on projected demand.

The agency has projected that India and China will lead the increase in energy demand making 45% of total growth. Oil imports for these two countries combined will grow to 19.1m barrels a day by 2030 compared to 5.4m barrels a day in 2006.

Demand for oil will grow to 116m barrels a day by 2030, an increase of 37% on 2006 oil usage. In this report back in November the International Energy Agency warned the price of a barrel of oil could rise to $159 by 2030 due to high growth in demand. This estimate now looks very conservative.

The reality is there have been some fundamental changes.

Before if the United States went into recession, this would lower demand for oil and prices fell. Now with China, India and other rapidly developing nations demanding ever increasing quantities of oil a recession in America is unlikely to lead to falling oil prices like it did in the past. Were per capita oil use in China and India to reach the same level as in the United States, this would fully deplete the world's remaining proven oil reserves in just 15 years and prospective resources, in 26 years.

The other fundamental change is that there is little excess production capacity. While Saudi Arabia would like the world to think it could increase production if it deemed it "beneficial" to the stability of the market, this is just an illusion of control. The reality of the OPEC cartel is that while sticking to production quotas may have benefited the group as a whole, individual countries have always "cheated" consistently and repeatedly exceeded their production quotas. In the past this has lead to significant downward pressure on prices.

This time the signs are that the world is at or near its maximum oil production capacity. Does this mean Peak Oil has arrived? In my opinion - not yet.

New production will continue to come online in the coming years which is likely to raise worldwide maximum oil production. So we haven't reached peak production... yet.

What we may be experiencing is what Robert Rapier calls Peak Oil Lite, with the early effects of Peak Oil arriving. Demand is rising faster than supply. In its July 2007 report the International Energy Agency predicts OPEC spare capacity will decline to minimal levels by 2012. The lack of spare capacity means, that price volatility increases with price spikes occurring in the event of supply disruption.

So what we are likely to experience prior to Peak Oil is Peak Export. According to Eugene Linden in BusinessWeek when it comes to oil our biggest concern should be the amount of "global oil available for export".

According to the Export Land Model developed by Jeffrey Brown - exports decline faster than production declines, the rate at which exports decline accelerates over time and only a small percentage of a producing country's production is exported following peak production.

According to a report in last week's Wall Street Journal, fresh information from the US Department of Energy shows the quantity of petroleum products shipped by the top exporting countries in 2007 fell 2.5% last, while prices increased 57%.

Net exports from major producers Mexico, Norway and Venezuela have fallen in every year since 2005.

With the rise in prices individual producing countries in OPEC had every incentive to "cheat" and yet exports fell. The influx of wealth into the Middle East has led to a boom in domestic demand. It seems that Middle Easterners aspire to the same gas guzzlers and energy rich lifestyles as Americans. Soaring profits from high-price crude have fuelled a boom in oil demand in Saudi Arabia and across the Middle East, leaving less oil for export. In 2007 the output of the region's six largest oil exporters - Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Kuwait, Iraq and Qatar - fell by 544,000 barrels a day. During the same period domestic demand increased by 318,000 barrels a day, leading to a decrease in net exports of 862,000 barrels a day.

A recent report from CIBC World Markets also indicates that as much as 40% of Saudi Arabia's expected production increases will be offset by rising internal demand by 2010, and Iranian exports will decline by more than 50% for similar reasons.

Indonesia recently withdrew from OPEC as it has gone from being a net exporter of oil, to a net importer of oil.

The Wall Street Journal report comments that the fall in oil exports "defies traditional market logic." Perhaps that should be blind faith that OPEC nations can turn on the taps if prices rise "too high". It seems even oil traders are unsure what is driving prices as according to one market analyst quoted by BBC News "we really don't know what the fundamentals are doing at any point in time." Much of the information on fundamental factors in the oil market is not public or freely available.

In simple terms demand is outstripping supply and prices are rising. This is how the market is supposed to work.

Other fossil fuel prices tend to follow oil. IEA's latest World Energy Outlook forecasts coal is set to rocket in demand, increasing by 73% from 2005 to 2030. This means coal's share in global energy demand will rise from 3% to 28%. It is predicted by 2015 America will go from being a net coal exporter to a net coal importer. Coal is the most carbon intensive way of generating electricity and this report predicts that rather than becoming a smaller part of the energy mix, coal is predicted to play a much bigger role.

With a presidential election this year in the United States and gas prices at record levels, oil and energy in general is set to be a key issue. There is the opportunity to have a serious debate about energy - a fundamental part of our lives which has been taken for granted for far too long. However the responses from the presidential candidates so far have not been encouraging.

In 2002 McCain declared that ethanol is a "giveaway to special interests in corn-growing states as the expense of the rest of the country." In 2003 he put out a press release saying "Ethanol does nothing to reduce fuel consumption, nothing to increase our energy independence, nothing to improve air quality." He went on to describe it as "highway robbery." Hillary Clinton signed a letter saying that there is "no sound public policy reason for mandating the use of ethanol".

McCain, Clinton and Obama all seem to have drunk the ethanol Kool Aid and seen the bright white light that has converted them to E85. In 2008 none of these presidential candidates seems to have anything negative to say about ethanol.

In 2006 Barack Obama along with four Republican and one Democrat senator introduced the Coal-To-Liquid Fuel Promotion Act.

There have also been accusations made against "Big Oil", "OPEC" (including by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown) and suggestions that a "gas tax holiday" or "windfall tax" would fix everything. It's always easier to find a scapegoat.

One bandaid being suggested from some quarters, is to open up drilling in the United States in areas which are currently off limit. This would give access to 19 billion barrels of oil enough to meet US needs for approximately two-and-a-half-years or world demand for just over 7 months at current rates of consumption.

To quote the head of the International Energy Agency:
"All countries must take vigorous, immediate and collective action to curb runaway energy demand.

The next ten years will be crucial for all countries... We need to act now to bring about a radical shift in investment in favor of cleaner, more efficient and more secure energy technologies."

Further Reading:
The Ethanol Scam in "Gusher of Lies"

You can read more on what the energy policies of McCain, Clinton and Obama should be in this Open Letter to the Next President.


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Solid-core door top desk, structural needs


I’ve been looking around at plans for workbenches and desks for a while and finally settled on picking up a solid-core door to use as the top for what will essentially be a computer desk (I like lots of desktop real-estate.)

I’m perfectly content to have a rough 4×4 or 2×4 based construction. I’m really not looking to win a design award here.

But one thing that’s frustrating is that the projects I’ve been looking up seem to have a knack for hiding the joint work and full layout of the leg/back framing. OR, they, as workbenches, have bottom shelves, or some similar under-surface obstruction; and it’s tough to tell the difference between baseline structural components and “additional features.”

I need the front and space underneath to be open as it will be a desk, so I’m restricted to 3 sides really. But I’m not sure what is needed to keep it structurally sound.

Any ideas how I can figure out how to keep it solid without wasting a lot of wood on trial and error designs?

Thanks, o/

- Mike


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5 Eye-Popping Solar Installations

When it comes to solar energy, we tend to focus on practical applications, relating how green energy can make a difference in the world. Yet sometimes the drive to make solar more efficient and affordable needs to give way to the imagination. Here are five solar installations that push the boundaries of scale and possibility. [...]


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Dimension Conversion Chart

In general, woodworkers hate math. Because we hate math, I've posted a handy fraction to decimal to metric conversion chart. This chart shows common fractional dimensions in 1/64th increments along side the decimal (in inches) and metric (in millimeters) equivalents. Print up this handy conversion chart for use in your wood shop.


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Jobs In Solar: Mechanical Engineer (Toledo OH)

Filed under: Solar Energy News


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Freitag, 2. September 2011

54 ? Interview With Chris Schwarz

An interview with Popular Woodworking Editor, Christopher Schwarz, aka "The Schwarz".


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Table Saw Jointer Jig

The jointer is a very useful woodworking machine for straightening boards. Don't have a jointer? Try a table saw jointer jig. In this set of free woodworking plans, learn how to build a table saw jointer jig that will allow you to straighten the edges of various sizes of boards with only your table saw.


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Heraeus Highlights SOL9410 and SOL9411 at the 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition

Filed under: Solar Energy News


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Bowl from a Board

Bowl from a Board

This is my first attempt at a bowl from a board. Its made from Red Oak, Purpleheart and Bloodwood. During the build I learned a lot about glue up and slippage so a few joints are kinda loose and I now have two screw press clamps for the next one.

Overall I think it worked out well.


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Solar Panels for Home - Saving Our Environment

If you find that you develop great interest in building or installing any form of alternative energy source on your abode, you should realize that solar panels for home belong to the best and most effective, this apart from the numerous benefits that they offer. Despite the initally high solar panel costs, in the long run, you will benefit from potential savings on the budget. But most important of all, we have to realize the importance that these solar panels provide to our environment. Indeed, it is the environment aspect of its usage that encourages a great number of home owners to try this solar gadgets.

Today unfortunately, much of the electrical power the businesses, companies and residences is still derived from fossil and carbon fuel sources from power stations. The fact is that gas, Oil and coal are considered the mainstay in the generation of power - for more than 50 years. This constant combustion of such fossil fuels leads to a seriously dramatic impact everywhere, on our environment. And the effect of these fuels means serious damage, to the detriment of worldwide ecosystems and natural habitats. Some of the visible bad effects include acid rain and atmospheric pollution, two of which contribute to worldwide climate change.

Nuclear or atomic power stations are now being built by many countries around the world. Such energy sources definitely cannot be considered as green, in fact they are considered by many critics as downright dangerous. Actually, the waste coming from nuclear stations, will remain with us for a long time and continue to haunt and harm us and many generations to come.

Solar panels for home are the best means for conscientious citizens of the world to reduce carbon footprint. This alternative source of power, the solar panels homes will surely lead to a much greener and cleaner environment. If home owners would simply switch power usage from electricity to solar power, then much of the environmental and ecological problems of our world will surely be eliminated.

There is actually indirect negative effect to the ecosystems caused by gas, oil and coal. We need not go any farther - there is the oil spill that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico The damage caused by this unfortunate incident is still innumerable. And unfortunately, years and even decades will be needed before we can see and experience the same level or standard of biodiversity of the gulf as before.

When home owners are to consider the options when they decide that they want to install solar panels for home, they likewise start to comprehend understand the wastefulness and frivolity that the society has become. We realize that we cannot be less economizing by leaving on light bulbs during the evening, keeping appliances turned on when if unnecessary and selecting to use cooling and heating gadgets without even caring if they are energy efficient or not. If you install a home solar panel, definitely you will also be able to develop economizing habits that will result in the reduction of electrical usage consumed.

And with the solar panel costs reducing annually, while their quality improving more constantly - one should realize that the best time on which to switch sources of residential power is now.
Image Credit: ArtsieAspie


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Drill Press Tips

A drill press is an integral woodworking machine that can be used for a number of tasks. Of course, a drill press can be used for drilling, but it can also be fitted with a mortising attachment for drilling square holes, be used as a spindle sander and more. Learn woodworking tips for getting the most out of your drill press.


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Wood Talk Online- Episode 6

Wood, tools, and candy. Yum!


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