Freitag, 25. November 2011

Solar Training Success Story at Solar Power International '11 in Dallas

Solar Power International

By Brian Mehalic, PV Curriculum Developer and Instructor
(Pictured here with SEI PV instructors Rebekah Hren and and Laura Walters at SPI 2011 in Dallas)

Once again, another strong showing at Solar Power International, the premier industry conference. Solar Energy International started the week off with a bang, with an ace crew of North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) and ISPQ-certified instructors teaching three two-day and one one-day solar training workshops at the Dallas Convention Center.

Turn-out was great, with over 140 students from all aspects of the industry attending. Two of the classes focused on system design, including a detailed approach to code-compliant conductor sizing, O&M, installation best practices, and on-site safety; another class was an introduction to PV systems, providing a valuable resource for many industry "newbies," along with a class on the nitty-gritty of owning and operating a solar business.

Solar Energy InternationalThanks to all the alumni and supporters who stopped by the SEI booth. There was always a crowd! Catching up with hundreds of new and old friends, and hearing about their jobs (with installers, inverter companies, racking manufacturers, and more!) and industry expertise is always one of the best parts of the conference.

The "I��SEI" buttons we passed out were the hit of the show, allowing fellow SEI insiders who maybe only knew each other from an online class, or from a class years ago, to easily identify each other. And of course SI love SEIEI representation at the many industry parties and events was in full force!

Hope to catch you at one of the classes SEI is offering at PVAmerica in March, Intersolar in July, or at SPI 2012 next fall in Orlando. See you there!


Interested in online solar training with Solar Energy International? SEI is offering five new online courses starting in January. Learn more by clicking here.


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