Samstag, 30. Juni 2012

A Satisfied SawStop User

A Satisfied SawStop User

Like a lot of woodworkers, buying a cabinet saw was a big commitment for me. It wasn’t just a big financial decision; I also wanted to be sure I was going to have enough time between kids, a career, and other stuff that I’d feel like I really got my money’s worth out of it. My Ridgid contractor’s saw was doing a nice job for me already. But I like to make cabinets and, at the end of the day, it’s just not convenient to break down a 4×8 sheet of plywood with a contractor’s saw, no matter how well it cuts smaller stock.

Needless to say this was a big-deal purchase. I spent a lot of time reading reviews, looking through the comments on this site, and talking to sales folks. I waffled a lot.

Three saws made my short list: Delta, Powermatic, and SawStop. I was impressed by just about every aspect of Delta’s Unisaw. Powermatic also made very high-quality machinery even though its design seemed a bit dated. But, in the end, I decided on the SawStop 3HP Professional Cabinet Saw when I bought last summer. I outfitted it with the Industrial Mobile Base and the 36-inch T-Glide Fence.

This isn’t a review of those other saws but if you’re reading this I’m sure you’re at least thinking about them too so here’s a quick list of the things that tipped the scales for me:

  • Mobility – My shop is in the garage along with our cars, bikes, kids’ stuff, and all the normal garage clutter. Tools get moved around A LOT. The mobility of Saw Stop’s industrial mobile base is superior to almost any other solution I’ve seen (I upgraded, it’s not standard issue on the Professional Cabinet Saw). It seems like it was truly designed to be used daily – not just “every now & then.” Delta’s solution wasn’t bad either. Powermatic’s was clunky if you’re a frequent tool mover.
  • Dust collection – Delta and SawStop both did a very nice job here. SawStop’s above-table solution got a slight edge with me but it wouldn’t have been the deal breaker if everything else had stacked up…
  • Ease of use – Since I’m a hobbyist and my shop time comes in small 1-2 hour chunks, spending a lot of time setting up cuts, changing blades, etc., is a big deal. I was very impressed by the thoughtfulness of SawStop’s design. Riving knives, zero clearance inserts, etc. come on and off quickly and blade changes are fast & convenient. The other two saws seemed like blade changes would be much slower if I consistently used the blade guards.

One last point: Craftsmanship, durability, power, and accuracy are more important than any of these things. But, all three of these saws knocked the ball out of the park on those measures – so it was the smaller stuff that broke my 3-way tie.

The Ownership Experience

Now, I’ve used my SawStop for almost a year on a variety of projects and the excitement of owning a nice cabinet saw has worn off (well, at least enough that I stopped carry pictures of it in my wallet next to the kids’). I’ve also had enough time to experience its true strengths, so here’s a summary:

Overall Design: 5 stars – SawStop’s designers did a lot of thinking about this saw gets used. Everything is where my hands expect it to be and, after I’d used it for a few weeks, I could use the controls without looking or thinking. That’s good for productivity and safety. I don’t want to have to spend time (or my limited supply of concentration) fumbling around for something like the off switch at a critical time.

Power: 5 stars – I have 220V power and, although I considered everything from 1.75HP to 5HP, the experts at Woodcraft recommended 3HP for me as a hobbyist. They were dead right. My experience after a year of using it is that 3HP is all the power I’ll ever need. I can rip 8/4 hard maple fast enough that the limit is my comfort level, not the saw’s motor (and that’s with a combination blade, not a rip blade!). Anything thicker than that, I’ll likely use my bandsaw. I haven’t tried cove cutting yet – and that’s a tough test for a saw – but from what I’ve experienced this saw wouldn’t even flinch.

Quality of Parts and Precision of Assembly: 5 stars – This saw is a manufacturing masterpiece and it was built to last. Fit and finish is excellent right down to the packaging. When you turn it on, it hums quietly with no vibration. The loudest noise – if your dust collection is off – is the high-pitched turbulence making the blade sing as its teeth move through the zero-clearance insert.

Assembly instructions were very clear and, although they don’t recommend it, I was able to easily put this saw together alone. If you do that, though, make sure you use saw horses to support the heavy pieces, take your time, and be smart about using leverage and good form for the frequent heavy lifting.

Ability to Adjust and Align: 4.5 stars – About the only thing you can’t adjust on this saw is its color. Blade alignment, fence alignment, riving knife position & height, and more. The manual devotes an entire chapter (22 pages!) to adjustments. But, after giving it 5 stars for the flexibility of its adjustments I do have to take off a half a point for this: Some of the less common adjustments on this saw seem like they’d be very tedious. The common ones are all pretty straightforward. The most common are downright easy. But, if you ever decide to re-align the blade tilt axis (which adjusts so that cut measurements on the fence don’t get thrown off as the blade tilts), I wish you all the best. You have more patience than I probably ever will.

Good news, though. All the alignments were spot-on when I put the saw together. I also like knowing I have so much flexibility if I need it. Some saws don’t even give the option of doing these adjustments – and if they’re ever out of whack you WILL be glad you can fix it – so I can’t fault SawStop much for their design decisions here.

SawStop 40 Tooth Combination Blade: 4 stars – Go buy a Forrest Woodworker II blade. It just SINGS with this saw. The standard issue SawStop combination blade is no slouch – it was certainly usable and did just fine on most cuts. I could even cut plywood without tear-out if I did a skim cut first. But, upgrading to a high-end blade made a fantastic saw even better.

T-Glide Fence System: 4 stars – The production quality of the T-glide fence saw is very good and its design is excellent but a minor glitch made this piece MY saw’s weakest link. I don’t think my experience generalizes to other saws – the fences I’ve seen in the stores don’t have the minor issue I’m about to describe: Specifically, one of my phenolic plywood faces bulged out from over-tightening during assembly at the plant. The manual warns against over-tightening if you adjust the faces yourself for exactly this reason.

I believe this contributes to burned rip cuts even though the fence is aligned as well as I can get it with the miter slot/blade (front and back parallel to with 0.0005”). Here’s why: The biggest high spot (which, by the way, is only 0.008 inches), happens to line up with my blade’s leading edge. So, the two points of contact between my wood and the fence are 1) the rearmost edge of the fence and 2) the bulge at the leading edge of the blade. As the wood moves forward past the bulge its front edge continues to move away from the fence ever-so-slightly, making slight contact a second time with the back edge of the blade. The cut itself is still straight – remember we’re talking thousandths of an inch – but it sometimes contributes to burning in harder woods like maple.

Big deal? No way. I could probably fix it by moving the back of the fence a bit further away from the blade. I haven’t even bothered talking to SawStop about it (and from what I’ve heard they’d replace things in a heartbeat if I did). Was it mildly annoying when I first noticed it after spending that much on a saw? Yep. My old Ridgid’s extruded aluminum fence was within 0.0001 of parallel to the miter slot at every point, so I was spoiled.

The fence itself is a pleasure to use. It’s dead square, perpendicular to the table (both are adjustable), and glides smoothly. The phenolic faces are attached with hex-head machine screws that are easy to access. That makes the faces easy to replace if I ever get around to doing it.

Mobile Base: 6 stars (lol) – As I said, this base is simply fantastic. I’d highly recommend the upgrade and I wish I could put one on every tool I own. Having all 4 wheels “steerable” means that I can easily maneuver my saw into tight places. Having the hydraulic lift means it’s easy to raise and it sets itself down ever-so-gently.

Dust Collection: 5 stars – I really like the dust collection design on this saw. It was everything I expected – and my bar was high.

This saw has a typical under-table dust-shroud that pulls dust off the blade and out a 4” port in the back. The above-table collection is what makes it really shine. It performs “sawdust judo” with the 100MPH dust-filled airflow off the front of the blade – sucking it in the direction it’s already moving and then curving it smoothly up and over the blade to exit at the back of the blade guard. Smart.

To take full advantage of this saw’s dust collection I’d recommend a higher-suction airflow (like a shop-vac) for the over-blade port and a second 4” 800+ CFM duct for the under-table port. Since a typical dust collection impeller is designed to get hit by nails, wood shards, etc., it’s not great at producing suction (mine will only suck 9” H2O vs. 99” for my shopvac). That’s why my ideal solution would be a twin-DC approach.

I have a compromise solution right now that runs two 4” hoses from my Delta 50-760. One connects to the bottom port and the other connects through a reducer to the above-table DC. The total flow area of the 2 lines is almost the same as that of the 5” inlet on my DC – so it uses it to its full advantage.

This compromise does fine as long as the wood I’m cutting is wide enough that the blade guard traps the dust that’s thrown sideways. When I’m sneaking up on a final width, though, things still get dusty. Only one side of the blade guard is contacting the wood and trapping dust like it should. On the other side, the dust sprays out towards the front of the table…taking the path of least resistance. More suction through the blade guard might reduce or eliminate the issue, but it’s got my wheels turning on a better answer…

Blade Brake: 5 stars – This safety feature adds a bit of work to blade changes but after a year of using it I haven’t found it to be a nuisance. After doing a blade change, I do a quick check of the clearance between the brake and the blade (using the included tool which, by the way, holds itself magnetically to the side of the saw when you’re not using it). Changing the gap is quick and easy – and is not always needed.

Installing a dado blade is a little more work because you need to install a different brake. That’s quick and easy. Adjusting the gap – in my case – takes a little longer because my Dado set has a slightly smaller diameter than my combination blade – so it takes a few turns of the clearance bolt every time I put it in before it’s well-aligned.

By the way, I triggered my brake a few weeks ago so I can report on this too. I didn’t use my fingers though. My INCRA miter gauge played that role.

I was doing a 45 degree bevel cut at the end of the day (isn’t that always how these stories go) and, although I adjusted the aluminum back of my miter gauge to be further from the blade, I didn’t TEST the clearance before I made the cut. Well, needless to say, BAM! I blinked, checked my fingers instinctively, then looked. Not even a scratch on the miter gauge. The blade had buried itself nicely into the aluminum brake. To get back to work all I had to do is lower the blade completely to reset the internal mechanism and put in fresh parts. Of course I needed a new brake ($70) but I would have needed a new saw blade (~$100) either way given my boneheaded move. At least I now have a souvenir that’s much cooler than an aluminum miter gauge with a gouge in it so I’m chalking this one up to experience. I’m thankful the safety solution works and extra aware of the fact that mistakes can happen to even paranoid guys like me.

Overall Evaluation: 5 stars

So, all in all, I love this saw. I’d buy it again, I’d outfit it with the same features and I’d defend my decision to give my hard-earned dollars to a company started by a lawyer, lol. I love what the SawStop has done for my productivity, accuracy, confidence, and safety.


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Matt's slant-front desk, Marc's new garage doors, wood storage, narrowing down design options for customers, antique hand-tool restoration, and when to use nails and screws.


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Christie Expected to Sign Bill To Boost Solar in N.J.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, whose administration has called solar power an economic "albatross," is expected to sign legislation that would increase the amount of solar energy state utilities must buy.


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Making curved templates, routing with a flush trim bit, finishing, glueup, and joinery discussion.


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Band Saw Safety

Among woodworking power tools, the band saw is probably one of the least dangerous. That isn't to say that you can't get hurt using a band saw, because without following proper safety precautions, you can absolutely be seriously hurt by a band saw. However, if you follow the safety precautions outlined in this article, you should greatly reduce the chance of injury.


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Florida Power Reopens $5 Million Solar Rebate Program

Florida Power & Light (FPL) is reopening the application period for its 2011 solar rebate program to distribute approximately $5 million in remaining funds. Applications can be submitted at the FPL website starting at 8:30 a.m. on Aug. 30.

The solar power rebates are $2 per watt of the DC output of a PV system, up to $20,000. Rebates will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, and funds are expected to run out quickly, FPL says. The application process for the 2011 rebates first opened on June 29, and customers claimed reservations for the available solar PV funds in less than an hour.

Rebates for solar water heating are also still available, FPL adds. The solar water heating rebate is $1,000 per installed solar water heater. According to the FPL as of this writing, there was $124,000 in water heating rebate funds available.

(c) FreeCleanSolar, Inc.


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Compound Miter Saws

A compound miter saw can make precision angled crosscuts remarkably easy. There are some features that you should look for when purchasing a single-bevel or double-bevel compound miter saw. Learn some thoughts on buying a compound miter saw in this woodworking tip.


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5 Watt Sunforce 52022 Solar Trickle Charger - Efficient, Cheap Solar Panels

If you are looking for high effective and reliable, yet cheap solar panels, there is the Sunforce 5-Watt 52022 Trickle Charger, which is available in twin packs. Every unit if why your definitely when it comes to ensuring that you maintain 12-volt battery that you need in your vehicle, like RV and cars.

These are also perfect chargers for electric fences, sailing boats, deer feeders, among many other. How do you operate these devices? These are simple solar panel systems devices that require a few steps to operate.

You only have to plug the tricker charge into the 12-Volt type lighter socket. You then have to place the panels in a location wherein it can receive the most amount of light possible.

It is also possible that you can connect the chargers directly into the battery; all you need to do is use some alligator clips. This effectively keeps the lighter socket to be ready to accept chargers for mobile phones or any other gadgets.

Features of 5 Watt Sunforce 52022 Solar Trickle Charger

1. Perfect for maintaining 12-volt battery
2. Consists of ABS plastic-type and amorphous solar cells
3. Has built-in blocking diodes that protect discharge during nighttime
4. Weatherproof to withstand all natural condition; which means it charges even when days are cloudy
5. Has four pre-cut holes meant for quick installation
6. Includes CLA adaptor, battery clamps and long wire

Solar Trickle Charger is another effective product from Sunforce. Needless to say,  all Sunforce Solar Panels are extremely efficient in all types of locations, whether there is little or sufficient exposure to the rays of the sun. This is the reason why most home owners in the United States consider them as one of the most perfect gadgets when it comes to taking advantage of alternative sun power. Indeed, Sunforce brand offers some of the most reliable, yet cheap solar panels in the market today.


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This is an experimental, double skinned, box, with Clam Shell wooden hinge, its 6mm thick walls are made of two 3mm layers. On the inside Maple and the outside Zebrano. Experimental, because it is made of 35 parts. This is asking for trouble in terms of glue-up and alignment. Also experimental for me was the edge jointing method.

Dimensions – 117mm square x 73mm high

Materials – Zebrano, Maple, Ebony, 2mm Brass rod

Adhesives – PVA

Finish – Acrylic

The double skinned aspect of this worked well (pic’ 4). I’ll try it in combination with EZ Mitre. Making a box from so many parts (pic’ 5) is, however, not advisable. Alignment is bad, the grain pattern of the Zebrano only truly matching on the hinge at the back. The profiling of the sides and edge joining strips was fun, I’ll probably do that again, although there are unsightly gaps on the interior corners (more time and care needed)


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165 ? The Global Warping Effect

Mother Nature can be quite harsh on wood, especially when left untreated!


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Schott Solar To Halt Crystalline PV Production in Germany, Close US Plant

Schott Solar plans to halt its crystalline silicon solar panel manufacturing activities in Germany this October, according to German newspaper Wormser Zeitung. Schott's headquarters and product development division will remain in Mainz.


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Marine energy doubled by predicting wave power

Filed under: Solar Energy News


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Nail Sets

Nail sets are used for setting the head of a nail beneath the surface of the wood. These are especially useful woodworking tools, as they keep the woodworker from having to drive the nail flush with their hammer, which would likely bruise or dent the stock, leaving ugly marks on their woodworking projects.


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Wood Talk Online ? #20


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DJH Construction, Inc. Project Selected to be Showcased in 9th Annual Solar Homes Tour in San Diego.


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Craftsman 1/3 hp 3.5 amp 10" Band Saw (21400)

Craftsman 1/3 hp 3.5 amp 10" Band Saw (21400)

A friend of mine has the previous version of this machine with the 3’ depth instead of the 4 5/8” depth of this 21400 model. I have used his doing some curvy cuts on smaller projects and it performed very well. The wife had mentioned getting another bandsaw for the shop but I kept shrugging it off until I had the funds for a 17” later this year. When I saw this one go on sale at Sears I decided to take the plunge. This is the very same saw as the Rikon 10-305 but sells for around $100.00 cheaper.

Packaging: The box was banged up pretty badly, but the saw was well protected by styrofoam.

Manual: Functional, but I can see wear a couple of diagrams might mislead a non mechanical person…..but no biggie.

Fit & Finish: This little saw has a very rugged frame, and a well machined table. The trunnion looked to be a little cheesy but actually is quite strong. The doors have double latches and lock shut pretty tight. It is a nice looking machine overall and the paint appears to be of good quality. The miter gauge & fence are a bit toyish, but the fence functions ok. I always measure both ends from the miter slot anyways before making rips.

Assembly: Pretty straight forward. It comes assmbled with the exception of the trunnion and table. The trunnion is a little cumbersome attaching to the frame/body. All parts were neatly bagged.

Tuning: Setting the lower guide bearings can be a PITA. I settled on setting the guides by eye instead of using anything for a gauge. I would suggest this over trying to hold a gauge and locking down the bearings at the same time.

Operation: The saw vibrates very little…if at all. The tracking adjustment works very well, and I was surprised how responsive it is. There is no blade tension indicator on this saw, but I never use them anyways. The motor is pretty strong and handles ripping 2” red oak pretty easily. With the right blade it should handle thicker stock pretty easily. I did some resawing on a 5 foot piece of SYP 4X4 and the motor barely slowed at all. I cannot wait to see what this saw can do with a good blade.

Dust control: Excellent! It comes with a lower wheel brush that works pretty well. A Dry Vac is all you need for this saw. After using it for a few hours, I checked inside the lower door and it was pretty clean.


Rugged frame
Runs very smooth….. well balanced wheels
Great dust collection
4 5/8” depth is pretty nice for a hobby saw
Good table
Price $179.00 Rikon is $279.00
Strong little motor. Ran pretty cool ripping 4X4’s for about 25 minutes. Warm to the touch…not hot.
Very little plastic


Cheesy miter gauge and fence…...but I knew that before hand.
Bearings instead of blocks. I hate roller bearing guides for small saws anyways. Blocks would work better for tracking.
Lower bearings are a PITA unless you set them by eye.
The manual says you can use a 1/8” blade….......... NO Way! The teeth would be up against the bearings.

Overall: The saw is a little wood muncher and will stay in the shop after I get the 17” saw of my dreams. It is alot of fun to use after setting it up. I would like to see Craftsman sell this with solid guides instead of the roller bearings, but at least the bearings seem to be of fairly good quality. This is not a fragile little machine like most smaller saws. It is built pretty stout for its size.


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Review and Testing of a G0440 Cyclone Dust Collector

Review and Testing of a G0440 Cyclone Dust Collector

I will start by saying that I am new to LumberJocks. This is my first post and my first tool review. Like many woodworkers, I have a well equipped shop. Also like many woodworkers, I left dust collection until last. This is an unfortunate. I now realize that dust collection should be one of the first things you should consider as soon as you purchase that first tool. As much as you would like to purchase more tools to do more things, a dust collector should be considered after purchasing that first tool. I will also say that a dust collector, no matter how efficient at collection dust, should not be considered the first plan of attack against sub micron dust. A good mask with appropriate filters should always be used.

After 10 years of woodworking my shop needed a change. As like many woodworkers, I did ALOT of research. I’m sure that I don’t need to mention who’s site to visit. However for those new woodworkers, Bill Pentz’s website is where you need to start your research. After reading his site I realized that dust collection is a daunting task. The main key is collection at the source of dust with as much air flow as possible. I am a capable guy, I have made many things in my years of woodworking including CNC machines and wooden gear clocks. I did not have the time to spend building my own cyclone from a plan, so I decided that a cyclone from one of many vendors would be my only option. I live in Torbay, Newfoundland (Canada). Shipping would be a problem and the cost for any of the vendors would be a fairly large chunk of the cost of a cyclone. After reading reviews, considering cost, and dynamics of my shop, I decided on the Grizzly G0440 2 HP Cyclone Dust Collector. I also added the muffler and the stand (H7499)

It was shipped from Pennsylvania by UPS freight to St. John’s, Newfoundland (Canada). It arrived after 2 weeks and the boxes were in pretty good condition. I will mention that I didn’t have to pay any duty and Grizzly paid the brokerage for importation into Canada. I opened the boxed and inspected the parts. There was absolutely no damage. This was probably my main concern about shipping such large crates over a long distance. I started assembly according to the manual. If you purchase the stand it helps to review both manuals before you start. I have read some review where people say that they had problems following the procedure. If you study the manuals before starting the build, there will be no problems. I was impressed by the finish on the machine. The powder coated finish is great and there were no issues with scratches and dents. I was impressed by the heavy rubber gaskets provided to seal the parts of the cyclone that could leak. Foam gaskets were provided for areas that needed to be sealed against flex hose. I was also impressed to see that the junctions of some preassembled parts had already been caulked at the factory. Overall the fit and finish of the machine was exceptional. All parts were accounted for but I did have one issue. I ordered the new model G0440 (post march 2012) which has a switch ganged along side a junction box. The mounting plate that came with my stand was for a pre march 2012 model. I have called Grizzly and I can say that their customer service has been great. The part will be replaced under warranty. International ordering was also a breeze. When I mounted my cyclone on the stand I decided to put the cyclone at the upper position just to get it closer to the ceiling where the duct would come in from the collection system. The 9” flex hose provided wasn’t long enough to attach the cyclone to the lid of the collection barrel. I didn’t have the extension for the collection barrel so I had to add a piece of 9” rigid duct to the bottom of the cyclone cone.

Being a physicist by trade, I naturally ask many questions. In this case: Is the manufacturers performance curve just hype? After reading Bill Pentz’s website I decided to measure it. Using a Dwyer Mark II Manometer equipped with a 166-6 Dwyer pitot tube, a clamp on ammeter, I carried out testing according to his prescription. I used 7” round duct. The tip of the pitot was about 16” from the cyclone inlet and the duct beyond was about 70” or 10x Duct Diameter. I made a needle valve using an old funnel and mounted it to the end of the duct I have carried out the experiment with the small mounting fixture and with a large plate as Bill Pentz describes to reduce the “vena contracta” with no noticeable difference in results. A nut on a threaded rod was turned to move the valve in and out of the duct. I started with the duct plugged and measured a static pressure of 12.25”. The amperage was 7.2 amperes. I should mention that this cyclone has a impeller that is 14.5”. I was a little concerned that the 2HP motor could burn up processing a lot of air. With the duct completely opened the amperage increased to 10.3 amperes. The motor plate says that the full load amps is 14 so I thought this was pretty good. That being said, the total HP works out to be something like 3 HP. I let it run for some time and didn’t notice any difference in drawn amperage and the motor didn’t seem to get really hot. I have carried out the experiment 3 times and verified that my results are reproducible with independent setups. The final result corrected for air density and the error bars are about 5%. I decided only to measure at the centre of the duct and multiply the CFM results by 0.9 as recommended by Dwyer. I have also provided the manufactures air flow in the diagram for reference.

I hope you find this review helpful. I tried to provide as much information as I could. People often talk about CFMs and Static Pressures and throw around a lot of jargon about dust collection with out really understanding the Dust collection problem or understanding that sometimes the manufactures provide us with numbers that we want to hear. I haven’t used my collector yet so I can’t talk about the efficiency of the fine dust collection and whether or not the filter area is sufficient for this collector. All I can say is that I am pleased so far…I’ll leave the rest for another review….


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Wiring a home for Solar Electric Power

Solar energy is one of the more sought after sources of energy in the market today.
With solar energy, air pollution is reduced as there are no fumes that are emitted while working with solar energy. Moreover, solar energy is available for free; where you only have to pay for the solar energy system, its installation and wiring.
The wiring of a home that is to run on solar electric power has to be done by a skilled person, and with care to ensure that electric devices and appliances in the solar powered home are used safely.
[More...] However if you intend to plan or design a solar home, it is better to do so after understanding the process of getting solar power from the solar cells and panels to the outlets and appliances found in your house...


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At the point in time electricity became a necessity, the lines of energy conservation began to blur. Today, there are many options that not only save electricity but reduce the residual footprint of energy use. It’s a matter of rethinking lifestyles in a way that doesn’t add inconvenience or increased labor involved in ordinary daily [...]


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Jobs In Solar: Residential Solar Quality Assurance Inspector (Austin TX )

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Training Your Thermostat to Save Money? and Energy!


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A few design changes and the start of construction. Our Wall Hanging Tool Chest is well on its way!


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Wood Talk Online Radio #73

The woodworking styles you should probably get to know, our favorite recent woodworking articles, some cool crap going on in the forums and a discussion of furniture styles.


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