Donnerstag, 28. Juni 2012

swinging arbor table saw

Help I got this saw that raises and tilts without any gears. It moves buy pushing on the arbor with levers. I have been trying to get info on this saw but I don’t have any paper work on it not even a brand name. It’s vary old with a nice flat cast iron top with cast arbor parts, I had the impression that this was how the saws started before the unisaw showed up in the ‘30s but in searching I’ve found European saws being made new that work like this. They are just on the low end of the price range and made out of sheet steel or aluminum. Anyway any of you guys ever seen or heard of anything like this. I have found a Craftsman (103’s) that has a swinging arbor but it still uses gears to set depth and angel. I just wish I know what to call this so I could do better searches. Thanks RCT


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