Freitag, 31. August 2012

Trust Yourself. Trust No One

Between meetings, classes and regular living, I?ve cut 132 dovetails during the last couple weeks to build my next project, which will be featured on the cover of the June 2011 issue of Popular Woodworking Magazine. Many of these dovetails have been mitered at their front corners, which I cut freehand (thank you Joseph Moxon).

When I completed the 132 dovetails I was well pleased. Only a few of them showed any noticeable gaps, and everything went together right from the saw. No paring. So I was feeling a little confident as I started to design the plinth for this project, which was a simple thing.

I sat at my computer, which is loaded with the latest version of SketchUp. Using my dividers, I tried to design a bracket foot for the plinth that was similar to some of the bracket feet I had recently seen at the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts.

I took the mouse in hand for more than two hours. Everything I designed looked like crap.

No, I take that back. It looked like COMPLETE crap.

Then I remembered an English book I had just finished on cabinet construction. There was an entire section on plinths. How to lay them out. How to transfer the pattern to the wood. How to cut and shape them.

I turned to this book for the answer to my SketchUp problem. Believe it or not, the solution to my 2011 problem was in this 1901 book. Here it is:

Draw your plinth freehand.

I resisted this suggestion at first because I cannot draw anything. Not even Tippy the Turtle wearing a skimpy bikini. (In my next life, I want to learn to draw. And not just sexy turtles.)

So I kept at the plinth with my mouse hand. I tried several ogees. I tried proportioning the plinth based on several bases that I had photographed. Nothing worked. Everything looked like crap.

So I ate an apple. I got a cup of coffee. I taunted my co-workers.

Then I took the advice of the stupid old 1901 book. I grabbed a sheet of old magazine letterhead and a pencil. I sketched out the foot in full size on the back of the sheet.

Dang. It didn?t look half bad. I tweaked a couple details then showed it to Glen D. Huey, who has an 18th-century eye. (The other eye is for spotting doughnuts and Corvettes.)

The foot detail looked good. Real good. So I created a pattern on some crappy 1/4" plywood and transferred it to my plinth pieces, which were already dovetailed.

Things were looking fine. The curves flowed nicely from the floor to the spur of the bracket foot. I was (and this is a rare event) happy.

I cut and shaped the plinth pieces, and the curves flowed ? just like they did on my sketch. Then I did a dry assembly to see how the carcase looked on top of the plinth.

And snap. Literally. Snap.

One of the feet popped off and fell to the floor. I swore. I grabbed the foot and tried to glue it back on with no luck. All of the sudden Home Economics class was looking quite good. I was sure I could sew a dress.

I fetched my glue. I gathered a bunch of clamps. I glued and clamped the heck out of those base pieces. When I left work everything looked nice and tight. We?ll see how it looks in the morning.

? Christopher Schwarz

Want to see some awesome 18th-century feet? Check out Glen D. Huey?s book on the topic. He has more than a nice eye for the form, he also has a nice spleen for it.


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Use thin layer solar cells to get a much more cheaper form of green power

Solar energy is a well established form of renewable energy. However with the present solar cells being rather thick, the cost of solar energy systems prove to be rather expensive for anyone to invest in, and use.
This is why researchers and experts in Durham University are busy developing thin layer solar cells.
These experts are trying to develop light absorbing materials that can be used for the production of thin layered, solar photovoltaic cells. These cells are used to convert the light energy from the sun into electricity...


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Chisel, Mallet, Plane and Saw By Tony Konovaloff, Cabinetmaker

Chisel, Mallet, Plane and Saw By Tony Konovaloff, Cabinetmaker

Please click on this link for original review or to leave comments, thanks.

First I want to state that I in no way benifit from reviewing this book for Tony. I purchased my book myself and I chose to write this review because I feel that this book is a must have for any hand tool woodworkers. This review will be added to “The Bookshelf” which is going to be a new page on my website devoted to books that I love and think you will like too.

So , on with the review…...

When I first heard about this book I was really excited. Here is a guy who made the choice to only use hand tools back when Norm Abram in all his Delta Power tool glory was a common household name. Tony is easy to relate to, I think for most of us because he works in a small shop, with a limited budget, not always using new fancy hand tools, and still makes beautiful and functional furniture for his family and for clients.

In his book, Tony walks us through his shop, talks about his workbench, tool chest and tools, shows you how he sets up some of the basic tools of his tool set, and most importantly, speaks about his philosophies in wood working. One big thing I like about this book is that he talks in-depth about how he constructs furniture. He keeps the process really simple and to his own style. This I think is really important. Tony found his style of furniture, his way of making panel frames, his way of making drawers, etc?. The point is that he found what he liked and what he could perfect for his projects. This is something lacking in many peoples work today. Too many people today move from one technique to another and one style of furniture to another, never finding their personal style of furniture making.

Another nice thing about this book is that Tony never says this is the right way or wrong way to do something. He isn?t preaching, he isn?t trying to conform you to his style; he simply explains how and with what he works, and how he gets things done. This is something that I admire with his philosophy; he believes that everything is a personal choice that reflects your craftsmanship. A perfect example is the signature at the end of the intro to the book; he signs each book by hand. He told me that he just couldn?t handle having his name just stamped by a machine over and over; he preferred to physically sign each book because it was more personal.

In the end this book is an excellent read and is jammed packed with tons of useful knowledge that Tony has gained over the past 26+ years as a woodworker. I highly recommend this book and believe it is a must have for any hand tool woodworker. By the way, Tony also studied at the College of the Redwoods in California during the time that James Krenov was there, I think James made an impact.

I would like to thank Tony Konovaloff for writing such a nice book and sharing his journey with us.
ARS LONGA VITA BREVIS (art is long, life is short)

You can get your copy of Tony’s book here at his website. I always recommend getting things from their source if possible. And please visit his home page at for more information about him and his work.

Look for the new addition of “The Bookshelf” coming soon to my website.

Thanks for visiting.

Please leave comments and thoughts, I always like to hear feedback.


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37 ? Interview with Asa Christiana

Extended interview with Asa Christiana, Editor of Fine Woodworking Magazine.


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Buy This Alternative Book

Here at the Alternative Energy Blog, while not underestimating the scale of the challenges facing the world, we like to talk about solutions. Another website that has consistently done this is World Changing, which started as an award winning group blog, became a non-profit and has now also become a 600 page book.

This firecracker of a book is about the future of the world, full of big ideas on how humanity, technology and our environment can interact in a positive way. If you are tired of pessimistic doom and gloom tomes on the state of the world and the business as usual messages of many of our political & business leaders, this is the book for you. It is a optimistic read, overflowing with ideas for change.

What are you waiting for?

Go buy World Changing and instead of the Barefoot Contessa, let's see barefoot solar engineers on the top sellers list.


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Quick Board Feet Calculations

Marking with a Tape MeasureBuying wood from a fine wood supplier or at a mill is far different than buying dimensional lumber at the home center or lumberyard. For starters, the pieces of stock ...

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More Moravian Workbenches

One of the interesting characteristics of the Moravian workbenches at Old Salem is how the bench forms evolved. The more ancient benches were made using oak. The newer benches have poplar components and lots of maple, a more traditional bench-building material.

Also, the more recent benches tended to take on more American characteristics. The shoulder vises on the older benches disappeared and are replaced by leg vises.

But what struck me was how the undercarriage changed. Tusk tenons got smaller and then practically disappeared. And the makers started to incorporate more storage into the base ? to a fault in one example.

So let?s take a look at a few more of the benches and some of their characteristics.

The Top Shelf Bench, Circa 1820
This bench is on the top shelf of the Old Salem warehouse (hence its nickname), so it was the hardest to examine without climbing all primate-style up the racks. This bench is oak ? the top is quite quartersawn ? and features the traditional European shoulder vise and tail vise.

The base is what is curious on this one. The legs are angled. And the base stretchers join the legs with lap dovetails that are now secured with nails.

Middle Shelf Bench (1790-1810)
This bench is my favorite of all the ones that I saw at Old Salem and is the one I would reproduce if I had to make another bench (and I don?t). The base is made from poplar. The leg vise and top are made from oak. By the way the top isn?t really that thick. There?s a skirt board on the front that gives the illusion of thickness. And the top has a tool tray.

If you?ve read either of my books or other dronings on benches, then you probably would pick this bench out as the one I like the least. After all, the legs aren?t flush to the front of the benchtop, the toolbox below would impede clamping, and I dislike skirts and tool trays.

While all those things are true,  I like this bench because I think the person who designed it had a nice eye for line and proportion.

The shape of the leg vise chop is quite nice. And notice that the board behind it, which carries the vise?s parallel guide, also has the same shape as the chop.

I think the drawer arrangement is attractive and I like the drawer to the left of the leg vise ? that?s a detail I?ve always wanted to add to a bench.

The Tool Chest ? With Bench Attachment (1860)
The most unusual bench in the collection is this 1860 example. It?s like a tool chest and a German workbench ran off to the Americas and had a love child. Those three drawers are massive, and contain all the racks and tills you would find in a traditional tool chest. When fully loaded with tools, I imagine the drawers would be quite heavy and difficult to slide in and out.

This bench has wimpy tusk tenons ? one had blown out ? which I suspect were more for show than strength.

Portable Workbench
This bench, which has been reproduced by the joiners at Old Salem, is interesting because of its small size and the fact that it knocks down for transport to a job site. Brian Coe at Old Salem said they have done just that and found the bench handy.

The only difference between the original and the reproduction, Coe said, is the addition of a holdfast hole in the copy. The original bench has no tail vise ? just single-point planing stops.

I?ve uploaded 16 high-resolution photos to Flickr that you can view in a slideshow. Click here to see the set on Flickr.

? Christopher Schwarz

Other Workbench Resources:
? is a great place to learn about benches and explore their forms.

? I?ve written two books on benches that you might fine useful. ?Workbenches? and ?The Workbench Design Book,? are both available in our store.


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Amid Protests, Fate of German Solar Industry Remains Unclear

Likely a result of mass protesting, the German government recently announced that their scheduled cuts in solar subsidies would be delayed and perhaps revised. Cuts for residential solar photovoltaic (PV) systems have been delayed until May. At that time, incentives will undergo gradual reductions each month. Cuts for solar utilities have been delayed until June. [...]


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87 ? Dust In Time

A quick review of the dust and fumes that can make our lives miserable in the shop, and why we need respirators for pro-active protection.


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162 ? Calendar Frame Pt. 1

The calendar frame project begins with wood selection, milling, cutting half-laps, layout and cutting various rabbets.


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Dresser bowl, Ambrosia Spalted Maple

Dresser bowl, Ambrosia Spalted Maple

I bought an old Craftsman Tube-bed lathe a couple years ago.
It had some wood from Woodcraft included in the deal.
Finally dug around and made this dresser bowl.
The wood was VERY dry so after I rough-turned it I soaked it in a ziploc bag with boiled linseed oil.
Why BLO? Because that’s what I’ve got.
I waited till the BLO soaked in and cured, then did the final turning.
Final finish was polishing on the Beall system.
Although the wood polished as smooth as any other, the linseed oil seems to shine less that the 2 pound shellac I normally use.


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Woodworking with Maple

Along with cherry, walnut and oak, maple is one of the most popular hardwoods for woodworking. It's tough and looks great when finished properly. Woodworking with maple can also be somewhat trying, as it can be temperamental, particularly in the finishing stage. In this article, learn some tips for woodworking with maple, to get the most out of your maple furniture projects.


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Buy This Alternative Book

Here at the Alternative Energy Blog, while not underestimating the scale of the challenges facing the world, we like to talk about solutions. Another website that has consistently done this is World Changing, which started as an award winning group blog, became a non-profit and has now also become a 600 page book.

This firecracker of a book is about the future of the world, full of big ideas on how humanity, technology and our environment can interact in a positive way. If you are tired of pessimistic doom and gloom tomes on the state of the world and the business as usual messages of many of our political & business leaders, this is the book for you. It is a optimistic read, overflowing with ideas for change.

What are you waiting for?

Go buy World Changing and instead of the Barefoot Contessa, let's see barefoot solar engineers on the top sellers list.


Mozart Ray Charles Neil Armstrong Benjamin Franklin Christopher Columbus Isaac Newton William Shakespeare Abraham Lincoln Tom Cruise Alexander Graham Bell

Keep it Square

Here’s a great tip on using up those scrap pieces of plywood. If you like this video, we have new ones every Thurdays on our youtube channel.


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148 ? Get a Grip!

MicroJig's GRR-Ripper is a solid investment in your personal workshop safety!


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125 ? Shop Evolution Update

A quick look at problems with of my current shop setup and what I plan to do about it.


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Men's Shed.... needed a sign...

Men's Shed.... needed a sign...

I was asked to do the engraving on a sign for the new Men’s Shed in Woodford…

They sent me a rather interesting design… as a BMP and after a very small amount of playing around..

And here is a few shots of the engraver doing its thing…this was in raster mode… engraving… moving left to right and right to left….just like a printer…
We can see that there is a pass through opening in the front…one at the back too… this allows material larger than the worktable to be engraved…

12 minutes in…taken from the side of the cabinet.

A few minutes later from the front…Just about… took nearly 50 minutes…

Done… the lettering was done in vector mode…outline… and took only 6 minutes…

EDITORS NOTE.. this piece of ply is 600 mm by 900 mm [3 feet by 2 feet for the readers over the pond..]


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Adventure Inn: A Lean, Green, Hospitality Machine

Susan and Mike Edgington, owners of the Adventure Inn in Ely, provide guests with energy efficient living, including solar-heated water and floors, and provide benefits to the surrounding environment with increased green space to absorb runoff. The Edgingtons also ?freecycled? old equipment including toilets, sinks, windows, doors, and furniture. S


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French Cleat Cabinet Mount

One sturdy method for hanging a cabinet on a wall is to use a French Cleat. This type of wedge bracket can be easily made using a table saw and a long piece of dimensional lumber. When properly installed, a French Cleat wedge bracket will support a considerable amount of weight and hold your cabinet tight to the wall. Learn how to build and incorporate a French Cleat in your cabinet designs.


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