Donnerstag, 30. August 2012

Not a big fan

Not a big fan

When I bought my first truckload of wood, I thought that a 6” sander made more sense than a 5”. More surface area, larger handles, etc.

It has become a bit of a money pit if nothing else. The sanding discs don’t seem to adhere nearly as good as either of the two 5” sanders that I have despite trying multiple brands.

What’s worse is that I bought this at Home Depot and they don’t sell replacement pads, so after driving around town all day I just ended up buying a second sander. Considering a replacement pad is $30 and the sander is a bit over $100, it doesn’t seem fair.

The handles and grips are very study and comfortable for a long sanding session. The variable speed switch isn’t well positioned but works well.

I bought a 5” DeWalt and despite is being much smaller and without variable speed control, has become my go to favorite – it’s also half the price and replacement pads are readily available.


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