Mittwoch, 29. Dezember 2010

How to Handle Broken Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Energy Star Chart
CFLs or Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs are a nice way to light up your home or office. Millions upon millions of them are currently being used as a way of helping to save energy and money on monthly electrical bills.

The US government's Energy Star program qualifies compact fluorescent light bulbs through the manufacturers meeting Energy Star's guidelines and specifications.

There are safe ways to handle these CFLs that will prevent accidental dropping and breakage. Each compact fluorescent bulb contains a very small amount of Mercury. Mercury is extremely poisonous and harmful so learning what to do in case of a bulb breaking is important.

If a bulb breaks the first thing we're told to do is open the door to the room you're in for a few minutes and to keep it open even after clean up. In the cold Winter months that's a difficult thing to ask but the vapors produced by dropping the bulb are potentially damaging.

Here's tips for the general safe handling of these bulbs at the government's Energy Star site:

Learning about CFLs

In addition if you scroll down to the bottom of this PDF you'll see instructions for the careful cleaning up of the broken bulb should yours drop:

How should I clean up a broken fluorescent bulb?

As you can see you never touch the contents of a dropped and shattered compact fluorescent light bulb with your bare hands. Advisable to wear gloves and put the debris in a sealed container. There are places that recycle CFLs so you might call one one your area and ask them the best way to handle the debris. 

Here's a video from MSNBC illustrating the potential problems of dealing with the tiny bit of mercury contained in these bulbs:


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