Freitag, 31. Dezember 2010

Video on Solar Roof Panels and PV Power

I chanced upon a Google Tech Talks Channel on YouTube - my first time. And interestingly, it discussed about solar energy, PV power, solar electrical power and solar roof panels and how to install them. It is a very interesting piece, and thorough and comprehensive at that. The video largely talks about the benefits and advantages of solar energy and solar roof panels and other sun-powered gadgets and devices. It is a great resource when one can employ when wanting to educate people about the many uses of this significant alternative source of power. The video likewise discusses on how the solar technology is a growing market and how one can benefit by selling excess power back to the local utility that one's gadgets can produce. It is quite long, more like a forum on video. Nonetheless because of the interesting topic as well as the Talk's effective speaker, it is very engaging to watch.


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