Dienstag, 22. November 2011

Breaking News! Bill O'Reilly Says He Can't Get a Solar Quote. Anybody?

This is really big news for solar affordablity--or at least it can be with your help: I admit I don’t watch “The Factor,” but former Renewable Energy World editor Stephen Lacey apparently does, and he just tipped me off that Bill O’Reilly wants a solar quote for his Manhasset, Long Island home, but can't find an installer in the area. I’m not kidding. See for yourself: Now, as Stephen pointed out in his blog posts, Bill probably forgot to check Google, but let me just say that it doesn’t matter that there are lots of dots on Google’s Long Island map that appear to indicate that there are plenty of places where Bill can get a solar quote. Bill is not just a celebrity, but a potential customer who has told us that he wants to go solar. We need to help him. So, I’m asking any solar company within 100 miles of Long Island, NY to offer Bill O’Reilly a solar quote. Write Bill an email right now at oreilly@foxnews.com. Of course, regardless of whether or not you're a fan, be polite and respectful. Something along the lines of: Dear Bill, I understand from your recent broadcast that you are having difficulty finding a solar company near your Long Island home. Describe your company, including your many installations, any BBB certifications, or NABCEP, how many people you employ, etc. Please contact me at your earliest convenience. I would be happy to give you a thorough solar evaluation for your home and a competitive quote that will save you thousands of dollars over the expected 25 year lifetime of your solar system. Sincerely and respectfully, Your solar company. name, contact info, etc UPDATE: The Vote Solar Initiative organized its own collective email to O'Reilly. See Stephen's Lacey's most recent post: You can help by sharing the following in your social networks, such as Linkedin, Twitter, and Facebook: Over 60 NY #solar companies can help Bill O’Reilly of the @oreillyfactor install a system. Will he live up to his word? http://bit.ly/tjdR1B If you're on Twitter, you might also direct a Tweet to liberal commentator Alan Colmes, who will be seeing Bill again this week. Something along the lines of: @AlanColmes here are 60 #NY solar companies ready to give Bill O'Reilly a quote. Please share with him this week http://ow.ly/7AYEL Now, if you're not in New York and don’t live near Bill, that’s okay! Bill’s solar lament should make us all realize that there are many broadcasters who are unaware of how affordable and reliable solar is today and how many solar installers are around, willing and able to give them a quote. (If there are any doubts about reliability, remind them that the International space station and broadcast satellites are all running quite well on pure solar power.) So, as soon as you can, look up your local broadcaster, and send them this note: Dear [broadcaster] Recently, Bill O’Reilly told his national audience that he wanted to go solar, but couldn’t find a solar installer in his Long Island area. I’m contacting you to make sure that you know that I’m a solar installer in your area, and I’m happy to give you an on-camera solar evaluation for your home and help educate your viewers about how reliable and affordable solar is today in our community. Describe your solar company, as above. Please contact me at your earliest convenience, and I will be happy to assist you. Sincerely and respectfully, Your solar company. name, contact info, etc Is this a stunt? I prefer to call it a national moment of solar education. Bill may or may not respond to this, but it doesn't matter. Perhaps other broadcasters will. There are so many misconceptions about solar, and as an industry, we miss a lot of moments educating the public. Bill O'Reilly has opened up one such opportunity, so I ask you to be courageous. Be bold for solar, stand out and educate by offering Bill and all local news anchors a personal moment to learn about how solar is affordable today and getting a quote for their own homes. Sure, you could do this any time, but why wait? Why have we ever waited? Please, for solar's sake, UnThink Solar. Now go write those emails.  

Source: http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/blog/post/2011/11/breaking-news-bill-oreilly-says-he-cant-get-a-solar-quote-anybody?cmpid=rss

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