Freitag, 27. Januar 2012

Chris Huhne comment on EDF domestic gas price announcement

Chris Huhne comment on EDF domestic gas price announcement

11 January 2011

“Households have faced real difficulties this winter after last year’s global gas prices pushed up bills.  The situation is now changing, with the cost of gas imports falling, and I welcome that EDF have today responded, joining small suppliers Coop and Ovo, by cutting domestic gas bills.

“Some big energy suppliers were quick to pass on rising costs last year, and it is only right that they should now pass on cost reductions to hard-pressed householders as quickly as possible.  I urge the remaining five large energy suppliers to follow suit and give consumers some respite this winter.  If suppliers do not reduce prices, consumers can send them a clear message by voting with their feet and taking their business elsewhere.”

Chris Huhne


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