Mittwoch, 29. Februar 2012

Edward Davey response to Guardian wind power articles

Edward Davey response to Guardian wind power articles

27 February 2012

Edward Davey told the Guardian:

“A responsible energy policy for this country is one that rules IN all of the key low carbon technologies to help us keep the lights on and emissions down.

“Ruling any of them OUT would be folly.  It would mean one less way of cutting our dependence on imported gas, one less way of cutting our carbon emissions.  And it would hit consumers where it hurts.

“Onshore wind is the cheapest of the renewables – in fact we’ve already proposed cutting the subsidy to reflect falling costs.

“Abandoning it now would force us to rely more heavily than envisaged on offshore wind before that becomes cheaper, adding a further £5 to every annual household bill by the middle of the decade.

“Built in the right places, and with the benefits for local communities we’re introducing, onshore wind has a crucial role to play.

“We need a portfolio of all the available technologies and the investment and jobs that comes with it.   That’s what the coalition is united behind and it’s what MPs from all parties voted overwhelmingly in favour of last year.”


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