Montag, 30. Juli 2012

Danish Oil vs. Danish Oil: Deftoil vs. Watco Brand

Danish Oil vs. Danish Oil: Deftoil vs. Watco Brand

Most of the finish on my projects involves Danish oil; it is a simple, easy to apply finish and wipe on Poly can be applied if further protection is needed beyond what the poly content of the DO provides. Most of the big box stores carried “Watco” brand, so growing up it is what I watched my father use, and then what I used when I started into woodworking. Over the last 6 months though I’ve found it increasingly difficult to find DO in big box stores, maybe the crackdown on VOC’s or maybe it just doesn’t sell quick enough. Regardless, I’ve had to start buying “Deftoil” brand of DO. The application instructions are very similar between brands:
Watco “Flood surface. Keep wet for 30min then wipe off unabsorbed stain. Reapply finish and let sit for 15min then wipe completely dry.”
Deftoil “Keep surface wet for 30min reapplying as necessary as stain is absorbed. Wipe dry after 30min.”

I’ve found out the hard way that if you follow the Deftoil instructions you’ll cry little oily tears as the wood surface will continue to weep finish for the next week, leaving a splotchy, uneven finish. I’ve tried this on walnut, cherry and maple with similar crappy results. The Deftoil DO seems to work best when applied as a wipe on poly; very thin coats and let dry completely between coats. My guess is that the poly content of the Deftoil is higher than the Watco brand. I’ve never had a problem with the results from applying the Watco according to instructions. Anyways, the Deftoil finish looks good when applied in very thin coats, just wish I hadn’t had the frustration of finding this out the hard way.
2 stars for making me sand down a bunch of stuff I tried finishing according to instructions.


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