Donnerstag, 23. August 2012

Flagship project for East Midlands Housing Association for a ?hard to treat? home

Flagship project for East Midlands Housing Association for a ?hard to treat? home

East Midlands Housing Association (EMHA), is an independent, not-for-profit organisation providing homes for people unable to buy or rent on the open market. 

The organisation has been working closely with Local Authorities and specialised agencies to provide homes to address a wide range of needs and they now have over 6000 affordable homes available for families, the elderly and those requiring additional support.

The specific challenge with this project, was to find a cost effective solution for a detatched house with circa 1900s thermal insulation values. Also key, was to modernise the house, keeping some of the original features, but without the need for decamping or significant disruption to the tenant and their family.


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