Mittwoch, 1. August 2012

Permanent Secretary to leave DECC in Autumn

Permanent Secretary to leave DECC in Autumn

Moira Wallace has announced today that after four years as Permanent Secretary of DECC she will be leaving the role in the Autumn. She will be leaving the civil service at the same time, and having a short sabbatical before taking up another role.

Moira will remain as Permanent Secretary until the end of October, to allow for a smooth transition. The role will be advertised by open competition next week, which should allow time for a successor to be identified before her departure.

Moira said:

“It has been a fantastic privilege to lead DECC from its first day, to see it develop and establish its delivery programme, and to work with such great people on this most important of subjects. I am all the luckier that this has just been one of many interesting and fulfilling jobs in my civil service career. I wish DECC and the Civil Service well and am now looking forward to developing my career outside.”

Ed Davey, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, said

“On behalf of myself and all the Ministers who have worked at DECC, I want to thank Moira for her support and for the tremendous contribution she has made to building the Department.

“Her belief in DECC from day one - and her dedication to ensuring it lives up to its potential – will stand as a testament to her vision. She leaves an organisation that is stronger, wiser and more capable thanks to her efforts. I wish her all the very best for her future career.”

Sir Bob Kerslake, Head of the Civil Service said:

“I am very grateful to Moira for her leadership of DECC over the last four years. Moira has headed the Department from its first day and seen it grow to become a significant presence in Whitehall and internationally, with talented and committed staff, and a big delivery agenda. She has behind her a long career in Whitehall, having worked at the Treasury and No 10, before setting up and running the Social Exclusion Unit, then leading criminal justice reform, and crime and policing at the Home Office. She has made a great contribution to the civil service and we wish her well for her future career.”

Notes for Editors

  1. Moira Wallace was appointed Permanent Secretary of the Department of Energy and Climate Change on 13 November 2008, having been its Acting Permanent Secretary since its foundation in October 2008.
  2. Moira began her career with 10 years in HM Treasury, including three years as Private Secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. She was Private Secretary to the Prime Minister from 1995 to 1997, under John Major and Tony Blair. She then established and led the Cabinet Office Social Exclusion Unit from 1997 to 2002.
  3. She joined the Home Office in 2002, where she set up and ran the Office for Criminal Justice Reform, a joint venture between the three criminal justice departments. From 2005 to 2008, she was Home Office Director General for Crime and Policing.
  4. A competition to identify the next Permanent Secretary of DECC will be launched on 23 July, with a September deadline. Moira will leave DECC at the end of October.


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