Freitag, 30. November 2012

New Chair appointed to the Coal Authority

New Chair appointed to the Coal Authority

Energy Minister John Hayes today announced the appointment of Stephen Dingle as the new Chair of the Coal Authority.

Mr Dingle has had a career as an investment banker and financial advisor. He spent the majority of his career at NM Rothschild & Sons Limited and latterly he specialised in advising on the financing of commercial property for clients in both the public and private sectors as a partner with Ernst & Young LLP. 

Welcoming the new appointment, Mr Hayes said:

"Mr Dingle has five years exemplary service as Chair of the Coal Authority’s Audit committee and I’m delighted now to appoint him Chair of the Authority. The Authority will benefit from his extensive knowledge of the industry and his consummate expertise in both the private and public sectors.”

Notes for Editors

  1. This appointment has been made in accordance with the requirements of the Commissioner for Public Appointments.
  2. Mr Dingle’s appointment is for a four year period and he will assume office on 1 April 2013.  He will receive a remuneration of £27,000 per annum.
  3. Mr Dingle was originally appointed as a member of the Coal Authority’s Board and Chair of its Audit Committee for a three year period from 1 May 2008, and was subsequently reappointed for a further period to 30 September 2014. 
  4. Mr Dingle holds no other ministerial appointments. He has not undertaken any political activity.
  5. Mr Dingle has had a career as an investment banker and financial advisor. He spent the majority of his career at NM Rothschild & Sons Limited where he was responsible for starting a mining finance business mainly focussed on gold mines. Latterly he specialised in advising on the financing of commercial property and had clients in both the public and private sectors. His final executive position was as a partner with Ernst & Young LLP where he was also co-head of the real estate finance group. In addition to his role with the Coal Authority Mr Dingle is a Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Audit Committee at Registers of Scotland and a Non-Executive member of the Audit Committee of Disclosure Scotland. He was previously Trustee, Honorary Treasurer and Chair of the Audit Committee of the Shakespeare Globe Trust.
  6. The Coal Authority was established by Parliament in 1994 with specific statutory responsibilities associated with:
  • licensing coal mining operations in the UK,
  • handling coal mining subsidence damage claims,
  • property and historic liability issues, such as treatment of minewater discharges,
  • providing public access to information on past and present coal mining operations,
  • the provision of emergency call-out service for reported surface hazards.

Further details can be obtained on the Coal Authority website.  


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