Samstag, 12. Januar 2013


Man: Hi Birchy, I?ve been keeping an eye on you for some time now and I think you have a lot of potential.

Tree: Oh, that?s nice. What do you have in mind?

Man: Well, I?m thinking that your destiny is indoors, out of all this cold weather and having a more purposeful life. Now that you are almost fully grown I think more responsibility and a promotion is in order.

Tree: Gee, that sounds swell. I thought I would spend my life out here in the garden. It?s very nice in the spring and summer, but it does get pretty cold and uncomfortable out her in the fall and winter.

Man: Exactly! That?s what I want to save you from. The temperature is always just right indoors. You will love it!

Tree: How do you plan to go about it? Will you keep me well watered in a big planter box or something?

Man: Er, I?m thinking of other solutions, which would eliminate you aging. Forever young as they say, ha ha.

Tree: That sounds wonderful. I have always hoped that I would have a happy future and also be useful. What is your plan?

Man: Firstly I think that a big change like I?m talking about will require that you are in the best of condition before
making the move. You?ve been standing here a long time and I believe it would be good for you to lie down awhile and get some well earned rest first.

Tree: Yes, but wouldn?t that be difficult with my roots holding on so well to the soil and of course bending that far is out of the question!

Man: That?s true, but I have a technique that will overcome all those problems.

Tree: Are you sure it will work?

Man: Why of course. It?s a common practice that?s been going on for thousands of years.

Tree: Well then, I?ve nothing to worry about. There?s no doubt in my mind that you know what you are talking

Man: No, no doubt at all.


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