Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2010

EVSO Prepares Memorandum of Understanding with Career Transition Center

THE WOODLANDS, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Evolution Solar Corp. (PinkSheets: EVSO) announced today that the company is prepared to sign a memorandum of understanding with the Career Transition Center (UCTC), an organization based in Houston dedicated to assisting workers to transfer their current skills into new industries.
The purpose of the memorandum is to facilitate and promote cooperation between EVSO and UCTC towards a potential partnering agreement. The two organizations are in talks to collaborate on a training program in Houston that could assist dislocated and unemployed workers learn to apply their skills to alternative energy projects.

?Creating a viable green-energy workforce in the nation?s energy capital would be a tremendous step toward providing cost-effective solar power and other alternative energy projects in the region,? said Evolution Solar President Robert Hines. ?UCTC has the expertise to help make that idea a reality, and we look forward to signing a definitive agreement soon.?

Any renewable energy training program produced through collaboration between EVSO and UCTC would likely include apprenticeships as well as the establishment of hands-on solar demonstration projects, Hines said. Under such a scenario, EVSO would provide solar panels and solar-power experts to facilitate the training process. UCTC, in turn, could provide qualified training participants.

Recently, Evolution Solar has made fostering alternative-energy education a priority. Last month, EVSO sent cutting-edge Konca solar panels to North Carolina as part of the company?s efforts to enhance the green technology curriculum at Barber-Scotia College?s energy institute. In October, the company partnered with Texas Southern University in Houston to install eight AmpleSun thin-film photovoltaic panels on the campus to serve as a cornerstone of the new TSU Green Technology Center. The project was the first array featuring the AmpleSun panels in the U.S.

These education projects are intended to help Evolution Solar acquire new business in a sector that is growing to compete in the energy industry, which includes First Solar, Inc. (NASDAQ: FSLR), Altera Corp. (NASDAQ: ALTR), Linear Technology Corp. (NASDAQ: LLTC) and NVIDIA Corp. (NASDAQ: NVDA).


Andy Griffith Charles Everett Koop Kanye West

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