Montag, 20. Dezember 2010

Ghosts of Christmas Future #5: What wood you do?

This is the entire gift under the tree:

Approximately 1 board foot of red oak.
Label attached reads:

What WOOD you make?
What WOOD you do with this?
Whatever WOOD this be?

My question or challenge to you, my fellow LJs, is not what would you do with it, but:

Would you dare offer this as a gift yourself?

- to a school-age (not adult) child?

- NOT as a joke gift?

- to your daughter?

For better of worse, anyone would certainly remember it for years to come. Unlike that, ummm… what was it? last year.

Would your child remember it fondly?

Would they think it’s a joke, even if you didn’t?

Would they think you Scrooged them out of getting something really cool?

Would they absolutely love it, or hate you for it?

Would it provide them material, if not inspiration for their creativity, or simply something to hit you with?

When I dreamt up this idea, and ran it by my wife, she agreed that our little one (our second grade little girl), would think it’s just about the best thing ever. A funny label promising future shop time with dad, making whatever she wants and can dream up… and she has QUITE the imagination.

at least I hope she dreams up something to MAKE with it. Earlier shop visits had her drawing on anything and everything she could find in the scrap bin… (Not that I EVER did anything like that at her age.)


vertical horizons treehouse paradise dexter season 5 episode 5 clay matthews

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