Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2010

Solar Power News for December 18th 2010

* Energy Tax Grants Extended for One Year

With the passage of the recent tax bill, solar power projects scheduled to begin in 2011 will be able to apply for investment tax credits that cover up to 30% of a project's costs. The deadline had been December 31st of this year and many developers of solar projects were hurrying to start but had too many obstacles to overcome to meet that date.

To qualify for a grant, solar projects must start construction by Dec. 31 2011 which eases the time limit for many developers. Solar companies are lauding the grant extension as also helping companies keep their workers as well a possible increase in hiring in the coming year.

More at the Los Angeles Times

Solar Power Comes to Egypt 

For the first time in Egyptian history lights in two Egyptian villages will be powered up using solar energy. The villages of Umm al-Saghir and Ain Zahra will have its schools, mosques, medial units and houses receiving solar power. With the new solar energy initiatives in place starting next year, remote villages will now being using solar power, something not available until now.

These villages will be receiving their electricity from Egypt's first thermal-solar power station which will be up and going February 2011. The 140-megawatt plant will be located in Kuraymat. About half a million people will receive energy from this plant.

This new solar energy initiative was the result of the Italian Ministry for Environment and Territory teaming up with Egypt's National Renewable Energy Authority. 

* Pittsburgh Stealer Fans Receive Free Tire Pumps

Tailgaters attending the game Sunday December 19th between the Pittsburgh Steelers and New York Jets will be able to get air in tires by using a solar powered tire pump.

The solar power tire pump is the result of the Steelers teaming up with well known aluminum company Alcoa. The joint campaign will promote the idea that football fans can become more green by recycling and using solar energy on a practical level.

This effort is part of the effort the city of Pittsburgh is making to make it's citizens more aware of the environmental options they have. The campaign is called " The Black and Gold City Goes Green."

Read more about the Steelers pumping up fan's tires at Clean Technica.


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