Samstag, 26. Februar 2011

Identifying Heart Pine?

Hello folks, I recently recieved a coupla boards from a friends mothers estate and am wondering if it is heart pine. The house they came from is around 100 years old. Sorry, I don’t have any pics of it right now, but I’ll try to post some on this thread soon. What are some characteristics I could look for to determine if this is “heart” pine or just really old pine. What I’ve noticed so far is, these boards are as hard as woodpecker lips, they look darker than any other pine I’ve seen (could just be because they’re old) but they have a more reddish tint to them, and the they look to me like they have a tighter grain than the southern yellow pine around here (I could be wrong about the tighter grain, but it looks tighter to me). How else can I identify them?


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