Montag, 30. Mai 2011

flattening chisel backs

Hello all,
I just got all set up to sharpen my first set of chisels and am finding it very laborious to flatten the back. I started on a 1000 grit waterstone and after about 20 minutes I could still see machine marks at the tip of the blade so I dropped to 220 grit sandpaper on a flat surface for another 10 minutes, still wasn’t contacting the top 1/16” or so of the blade so I switched to 80 grit. It started getting a little more noticably flat but I got too tired to continue. Is this normal for brand new chisels? They aren’t the best (Craftsman) but it just seems like its taking for ever for the abrasive to even start to contact the top 1/16” of the blade. Anyone have any input?


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