Montag, 30. Mai 2011

UK proposes Fourth Carbon Budget (Press notice)

UK proposes Fourth Carbon Budget (Press notice)

A limit on the total amount of greenhouse gases to be emitted by the UK between 2023 to 2027 has been proposed to cut Britain’s emissions by 50% from 1990 levels and highlighting the Government’s commitment to being the greenest government ever.

Today's proposal, set out by Energy and Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne, is in line with advice from the independent Committee on Climate Change. It sets a fourth carbon budget of 1950 MtCO2e for the period that will span from 2023 to 2027, putting the UK on course to cut emissions by at least 80% by 2050. The carbon budget will place the British economy at the leading edge of a new global industrial transformation, and ensure low carbon energy security and decarbonisation is achieved at least cost to the consumer.

The package announced today also includes measures to minimise costs of the low-carbon transition to industries exposed to international competition:

  • In line with the Coalition Agreement, Government will continue to argue for an EU move to a 30% target for 2020, and ambitious action in the 2020s. We will review progress in EU climate negotiations in early 2014. If at that point our domestic commitments place us on a different emissions trajectory than the EU Emissions Trading System trajectory agreed by the EU, we will, as appropriate, revise up our budget to align it with the actual EU trajectory.
  • Before the end of the year we will announce a package of measures to reduce the impact of government policy on the cost of electricity for energy intensive industries and to help them adjust to the low-carbon industrial transformation.

The Prime Minister said:

“When the coalition came together last year, we said we wanted this to be the greenest government ever. This is the right approach for Britain if we are to combat climate change, secure our energy supplies for the long-term and seize the economic opportunities that green industries hold.

“In the past twelve months, we have pursued an ambitious green agenda and today, we are announcing the next, historic step. By making this commitment, we will position the UK a leading player in the global low-carbon economy, creating significant new industries and jobs.

“The transition to a low-carbon economy is necessary, real, and global. By stepping up, showing leadership and competing with the world, the UK can prove that there need not be a tension between green and growth.”

Chris Huhne said:

“Today’s announcement will give investors the certainty they need to invest in clean energy. It puts Britain at the leading edge of a new global industrial transformation as well as making good our determination that this will be the greenest government ever.

“The Coalition Government has set a fourth carbon budget level, in line with the advice from the Committee on Climate Change, that sends a clear signal about our determination to transform Britain permanently into a low carbon economy. By cutting emissions we’re also getting ourselves off the oil hook, making our energy supplies more secure and opening up opportunities for jobs in the new green industries of the future.

“Through the Green Deal, electricity market reform and the Green Investment Bank we’re already putting in place the tools that will help us meet this ambitious carbon budget. This and every future British Government will have to keep up the pace and put in place the most effective policies to tackle climate change.

“Under this carbon budget, Britain in 2027 will be a different place and transformed for the better with warmer homes powered by green energy, many more cars powered by electricity and far less reliance on fossil fuels to drive our economy.”

Under the fourth carbon budget, government will aim to reduce emissions domestically as far as practical and affordable, but also intends to keep open the option of trading in order to retain maximum flexibility and minimise costs in the medium-long term.

Groundbreaking innovation will play a crucial role in helping Britain to decarbonise its energy supplies by 2027 in the most economical way. Today the Energy Technologies Institute is asking industry to design, build and test longer offshore wind turbine blades to improve performance. Currently blades are typically 40-60 metres long, but the next generation of turbines could have blades measuring more than 90 metres – almost the height of Big Ben.

Reactions to the 4th Carbon Budget


EU Climate Action Commissioner Connie Hedegaard said:
''I welcome the ambitious goal announced by the United Kingdom's government today to reduce emissions 50 per cent under 1990 levels by 2025. This is an outstanding example of strong willingness to act despite difficult economic times. It also confirms that clever climate policies are not only about climate alone; they are also about improving energy security, stimulating innovation, raising competitiveness, and creating economic growth and jobs. With this decision, the UK seizes a huge economic and innovation opportunity that will make its economy more competitive in the future''

David Kennedy, Chief Executive of the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) said:
“We are delighted that Government has accepted our recommendations on the 4th carbon budget (2023-2027). This is a world first: no other country has made legally binding commitments to ambitious emissions reduction targets for the 2020s.

Setting and meeting the carbon budget will place the UK in a strong position, both in terms of meeting the 2050 target, and building an economy very well placed to prosper in a low-carbon world.

The carbon budget will underpin much of the high level ambition set out in the Coalition Agreement. It is important now to translate this ambition into detailed policies with strong incentives.

The key areas to focus on now are the Electricity Market Reform, demonstration of CCS technology, the Green Deal, the Renewable Heat Incentive, and support for electric vehicle market development.

With the right policies in place, our analysis shows that we can achieve deep emissions cuts over the next two decades in power generation, buildings and surface transport at low cost.

Aiming now to introduce clean technologies in these sectors and meet the carbon budget will ensure that we make the right investment choices, maximising long-term growth and reducing our reliance on imported fossil fuels”.

Christiana Figueres, head of the UNFCCC said:
“The UK becomes the first nation to adopt legally binding emission reductions beyond 2020. It can be done! “

Dr Lykke Friis, Danish Energy and Climate Change Minister, said:
"I applaud the British climate and energy targets. They are both ambitious and necessary. I urge fellow EU countries to follow suit. We need more targets like these globally to promote green investments and increase the share of renewable energy substantially. Together with the UK, Denmark will continue to push for more ambitious climate goals in the EU".

Notes for editors

1. The full Ministerial Statement is also available in this News section.

2. The Committee on Climate Change provided their advice in December 2010.

3. Further information on the Energy Technologies Institute’s turbine blade announcement can be obtained from Nigel Richardson on 01509 202084 / 07827 946064 or email:

4. The Carbon Budget covers emissions for all the UK. As required by the Climate Change Act, the UK Government asked the Devolved Administrations for their views on setting the level of the Fourth Carbon Budget.

5. Under the Climate Change Act, the fourth carbon budget must be set in Parliament by 30 June 2011. Once proposals have been laid before Parliament they will be debated by both houses.

6. The Act requires that Government publishes a report setting out proposals and policies for meeting the fourth carbon budget ‘as soon as is reasonably practicable’ after setting the new carbon budget in legislation. DECC’s Business Plan specifies that Government intends to publish the report in October 2011, which will be done alongside the Carbon Plan.

7. The first three carbon budgets are:

  Budget 1 Budget 2 Budget 3
Budget level (MtCO2e) 3018 2782 2544
% reduction from 1990 levels 23% 29% 35%



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