Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2012

Secretary of State visit to the Olympic Park Energy Centre

Secretary of State visit to the Olympic Park Energy Centre

09 January 2012

Chris Huhne at the Olympic Park Energy CentreSecretary of State, Chris Huhne visited the Energy Centre at the Olympic Park this morning.

The park, which is the largest energy centre scheme to be built so far in the UK, will contribute towards the Olympic Delivery Authority's overall target to reduce carbon emissions by 50 percent.

Kings Yard is first of two energy centres to be built on the site - the other being the Stratford City Energy Centre which will provide power to the Stratford City retail and entertainment venues and the eastern side of the Olympic Park.

As the larger of the two schemes, Kings Yard will supply power to the National Grid as well as heating and cooling to the Park's permanent and temporary Olympic venues and the Olympic village. It uses both biomass and a natural gas powered Combined Cooling Heat & Power (CCHP) system which is 30 percent more efficient than traditional power generation methods.

Earlier, Chris Huhne attended the first Cabinet meeting of the year at the Olympic Park, marking 200 days until the start of the games.

Read more about the Cabinet meeting on the Number 10 and Department of Culture, Media and Sport websites



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