Montag, 3. Dezember 2012

SEI Trains Solar Technicians in Benin, Africa

SEI and SELF (Solar Electric Light Fund) have teamed up to train 6 new solar technicians and provide a refresher course for SELF?s other solar technicians in the northern region of Benin, Africa.� SELF is a US based non-profit that provides solar power solutions for water pumping, community garden irrigation, schools, and health clinics.� They have made a long term commitment to help with social and economic development in the region around Kalele in Benin.� SEI is providing the training program for all of the local technicians to improve their skills and work toward a region with sustainable renewable energy jobs.� This region has� a great need for inexpensive, reliable power in a place where the solar resource is abundant while grid electricity is scarce and expensive.

Self employee Frank, new solar technician Alidou, and SELF project manager Darren are studying the schematics for a solar system they will be installing in December.

Newly hired solar technician Imorou, SEI instructor Brad Burkhartzmeyer, and new solar technician Jacques are wiring a combiner box as part of the SEI training conducted in Benin.

  • More information on SEI programs and trainings can be found at
  • More information on SELF international solar installation projects can be found at

Written by Brad Burkhartzmeyer, on assignment in Benin, Africa for SEI


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