Montag, 27. Juni 2011

Chris Huhne's response to the World Environment Day campaign

Chris Huhne's response to the World Environment Day campaign

5 June 2011

Energy and Climate Change Secretary, Chris Huhne said:

"In May this year the UK made a legal commitment to cut emissions by over 50% by 2027 on a 1990 basis. We are proud of this ambitious target, but campaigns like World Environment Day remind us that no country can do this alone. We need to see real action to tackle climate change across the entire globe.

“The theme of World Environment Day this year is forests, and there is no better example which demonstrates the damage humanity is doing to our natural environment and the failure in our duty of care to future generations."


World Environment Day is campaign promoting awareness of the environment to encourage political attention and public action, held every year on June 5th since 1973. World Environment Day is hosted every year by a different city with a different theme. This year New Delhi is the host and the theme is forests.


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