Samstag, 25. Juni 2011

Free SEI Webinar Offers Concrete Alternatives for Ground-mounted Solar Array Installs

CantsinkSolar Energy International welcomes summer by continuing its free webinar series this month. On June 22, at 1 p.m. MDT, solar training experts SEI and foundation specialists Cantsink Manufacturing partner to present a free webinar on concrete alternatives for ground-mounted solar arrays.

Click here to register.

The hour-long webinar will discuss the need for solar professionals and contractors to learn to quickly install reliable ground-mounted foundations for solar applications using methods other than concrete.

Cantsink will cover such methods as utilizing helical piles, a smart choice for ground mounting, as they can quickly be augured into place. The piles' self-testing design gives a clear measurement of their support during a PV install. Sometimes a roof-mounted system isn't the best design for customer's location or a ground-mounted system is a preferred location.

Join Solar Energy International in the discussion as knowledgeable representatives from Cantsink provide deatils on concrete alternatives for ground-mounted options.

Webinar details:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
1 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time (Denver, GMT-06:00)
Change time zone

Register now


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