Samstag, 31. Dezember 2011

DVD - The Last Word On Sharpening - Review

DVD - The Last Word On Sharpening  -  Review

In his opening comments Christopher Schwarz states how confusing the subject of sharpening is to new woodworkers, and that so many different methods, products and options on the market make it worse. This was exactly how I felt. The ninety minutes he spends talking while hands on in this DVD have been a great addition to my other research. I’ve spent many an hour online and browsing different books on this subject. He doesn’t single out any one method, but comments on the good and bad to each method and shows techniques he uses. The intro didn’t have, which I enjoy, that good southern banjo twanging, but other than that it was a great DVD.

Cheers Chris on another great DVD !!!


unstoppable movie vertical horizons treehouse paradise nate kaeding

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