Donnerstag, 29. Dezember 2011

My Journey As A Scroll Saw Pattern Designer #567: On the Road to Recovery

I feel like a bear. I don’t think I have slept so much in years. I really must have been tired or just catching up from the past several weeks. I spent the majority of the day either sitting on the couch with a sleeping cat on my lap watching ‘The History Channel’ or curled up in my own bed with all three of them curled at their various stations around my legs.

One thing cats love is to sleep. And they love having company in their favorite past time. From the time I was small I slept with a little stuffed animal in my arms. Now I need a small pillow and sleep with that each night. But yesterday, Pancakes came and curled up in my arms and stayed there for the duration of my two hour nap. It is funny how they sense when you aren’t 100%, isn’t it? And it is comforting to gently hold one of them like a baby and slowly stroke their silky fur while they are softly purring in your arms. Who says they don’t give back to you?

By the evening, we went for our usual walk. After being so docile most of the day, it felt good to get out and get some fresh air and to stretch. The air was warm and there was a light mist falling. I don’t think you could even call it rain, but it was there nonetheless. The snow from the weekend is all gone now, having served its purpose and providing us with our ‘White Christmas.’ I was rather sorry to see it melt so quickly, but I know that soon we will have more, as winter is just beginning here.

On Tuesday we got the car fixed too. We had to go to town (Yarmouth) and pick up the part and a few groceries. Keith took it to someone who was recommended by a friend and he was able to fix it right off without much fuss. It was the bearing and apparently easy to replace it. So all is well.

By later on in the evening, I actually felt like drawing. I made good headway on my next project and that made me very happy. I want to get back into the work mode and get some of these ideas that are swimming around in my head down on paper and made. So much to do.

Here is a teaser picture of what I am working on now:

I am really happy with how it is looking so far. I hope to finish my drawing today and be cutting by tomorrow. That would be nice.

I woke up my normal time today and my head is still clear. I am quite encouraged. I am going to try to go today without taking any medicine at all if I can. I know that is what is knocking me out, and perhaps I needed the extra sleep but I think I have caught up enough now and if I am feeling better I find that there is no need. There is so much to do!

Thank you all for the kind thoughts and wishes you have sent my way. I really appreciate them very much. I feel that I am well on the road to recovery and look forward to what today brings.

Have a great day yourselves.


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