Freitag, 30. Dezember 2011

This Poor Man's Workshop #1: Ol' Grizzly's Trek Home -Bama to Sippi

“A man can dream…” -Probably a wise woman

Good Morning LJ’ers (Is that right?),

Over the past few months, I’ve been having a series of epiphanies (Maybe a “quarter life” crises). In these moments of “enlightenment”, I’ve realized that I am in no way closer to achieving any of my childhood dreams (Although being a firetruck wasn’t plausible to begin with) that I was then. Now before this starts to sound like a pity party (Which it’s far from, I hope), I’ve got to say that I’m totally okay with this self realization. In fact, it has allowed me to appreciate the things in life that have and continue to bring me joy today. These being my Faith in God, Jesus Christ, my Family, and my love for Woodworking (More like my endless hours admiring tools in Rockler Magazine wishing I had the tools to do some actual woodworking). With that being said, I’ve been dreaming about the day when I could reach over my son’s shoulder and help him out with his own list of projects like I read here on LJ. Coming from a broken home, (As many of us have, I’m almost sure) I never had the chance to bond with my dad. See he never had a shop or a garage or even worked on “projects” around the house. Why? Because I’m sure the poor man gave up on his dream upon his return from Vietnam. Now don’t get me wrong, I honor my dad’s service to this great country (The single most influential reason why I also serve this great nation today). I just simply want to set aside a portion of my life and create some long lasting memories with my son (Who has an extremly long way until he can even reach a saw). So, I digress back to Woodworking…again. After months of scouring Craigslist, On a budget closer to zero than say…zero, zero, zero, I’ve found an affordable what I’ve heard quoted as, “Centerpiece of every Woodworker’s Workshop”...that’s right ladies and gentlemen…a tablesaw! Now, this tablesaw is by far the “Caddie” of sawdust making tools (like say a sweet Jet, SawStop, or Powermatic), but it is however, a part of sawdust making history (For the looks of her, probably that old). Not only did this tool have the honor of sharing it’s trueist hours with a Parent and Sibling duo who worked and bonded together like the tighest of Dovetail Joints, but as of Wednesday, 28th of December 2011, it too will have a place in our home. Saturday, I hope to bring it 65 miles across two state borders and into…This Poor Man’s Workshop. I’ll keep ya’ll posted.


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