Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 2011

So many saws to choose from.

I have really been wanting to get a decent dovetail saw for a long time now, but indecision and a frugal streak have me stuck. I have a crown gents saw that sorta works, but I feels like it was meant for a different job than cutting dovetails.

Of course the top of my list is the Lie Nielsen dovetail saw, the thing looks like a work of art. However, given my current budget that is waaaay outside my range. I just can’t justify that kind of cash outlay on a hand tool with 2 small kids.

So the next thing on my list would be the Veritas dovetail saw, it looks really nice and I bet it cuts great, but then i saw this: the Lee Valley Veritas dovetail system! The goal here is to cut dovetails; tight, strong, impress your friends and neighbors dovetails. This looks like it would do the job… but its not really what I had in mind. The reviews on Lumberjocks are stellar and it looks like a nice tool system.

And then I saw this guy! He converted a saw just like mine into a more traditional dovetail machine. That would be a nice little project and nearly free. Maybe a nice addition to the saw rack with the Lee Valley system…

What would you buy? I am kind of leaning toward the Lee Valley system, I could go all New Yankee and get a jig… but I wouldn’t read this forum all the time if thats how I rolled.


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