Samstag, 24. Dezember 2011

Green Deal Consultation webchat

Green Deal Consultation webchat

The Green Deal and ECO Consultation Team answered your questions on the consultation on Thursday 15th December at 1200.


  • Zoe Sprigings is project manager of the Green Deal legislation. This includes oversight of the Green Deal consultation, stakeholder engagement, Government response, and secondary legislation.
  • Rebecca Vallance is the lead official responsible for Green Deal Provider accreditation, terms of the plan and Golden Rule.
  • Paul McCloghrie is the lead official responsible for the development of the Energy Company Obligation
  • Nicola O’Connor – the lead official responsible for Green Deal measures and supply chain.

Comments and issues raised as part of the webchat will be used to inform our analysis of the Green Deal and ECO policy as part of our wider programme of stakeholder engagement during the consultation period.

More detailed, formal responses to the consultation can be submitted online, via email or post. Details can be found on the Green Deal consultation page

Questions were taken in advance (in the box below), as well as during the webchat timeslot. 

Thank you to all who took part. We hope you found it useful. You can see all the questions and answers by clicking replay on the panel below.


Julia Roberts Magic Johnson Jim Carrey Neil Diamond George Washington Edgar Allen Poe Stephen Hawking Aristotle Hank Aaron Nathaniel Hawthorne

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