Montag, 28. März 2011

A Bad Rap

A Bad Rap

I’m going out on a limb here. I’m going against the grain (pun intended)
I’ve seen the reviews here on the “Blade Runner”, and I have to say it’s gotten a bad rap.
I have been out of town, and when I got home, I decided to go into Woodcraft and nosy around. I saw the Bladerunner on display and thought about my past idea of mounting my Bosch jig saw upside down to a board, to be interchanged with my router, on my router table. This looked like a viable alternative. No messing with my router table, having the use of both at the same time, and no Rube Goldberg involved to re-invent the wheel. Also an easy variable speed adjustment without climbing under the router table to change speeds.
So I took the plunge and bought one for $179.00+ tax and figured if it was not up to it, I could return it.
I did the inverse of what most people do (including myself) and bought it before I read up on reviews.

Prior to the internet reviews, and LJ lambasting, I set it up. It took all of 5 minutes to install the support arm and plug it in. The shipping box was flawless, and neatly packed. It included the wall mount, of which I won’t probably use.

I installed the supplied blade(s) and grabbed a piece of cedar and made some scroll cuts…. Serious vibration! I’m thinking “O Boy, whats this all about?” I changed to a Bosch blade and now we’re talking “a hot knife through butter”. The machine worked as I thought it should.
I don’t understand why a company can make a decent product and then ship it with an inferior working component. (Think table saw manufacturers that make a great saw and install a $2.00 blade.)

Anyway, I’m happy with the quality, construction, and performance. I don’t plan on re-sawing oak, building a deck with it, or creating violins. It’s what it is intended to be, mainly a supplement to squaring corners, cutting out internal shapes, and creating “wing dings”

What upsets me about LJ”s is the bad reviews I have read on this forum. Many of them from people who, because of an “informercial” think it must be junk. And people who never saw it, let alone try one.

Amazon’s reviews give it 3-1/2 stars. Mainly 4 and 5’s

Here is my rebuttal to you “experts” on LJ

“blade wobbles, needs support, vibrates” The machine comes with a stabilizing support arm. Use it. Use a Bosch blade and the wobble is gone as well as vibration

“Cheaper to make one” Yup, do that and send the Chinese back to the dark ages….. I love you contractors who “re-invent the wheel” , spend a hundred hours making something “cheaper” but bitch about how manufacturers rip you off because you’re so wrapped up in saving a dime, then wonder why a customer won’t agree to your prices. You want it all, but refuse to pay for it. You guys kill me.

“Rockwell, pure garbage” Yea, they were the pinnacle at one time, but you and I know they’re in it for the competition of all you guys who won’t spend a nickel more than you have to. And then you complain about the quality.

“A homeowners tool” Aren’t we all homeowners, or hope to be?
You’re the contractor who uses Black and Decker or Crapsman tools and then preach to the homeowner when you submit a quote, about the benefits of quality and price

“Seem like the support arm would twist” Hey Mr. Engineer,.... who never touched or looked at the machine,......Don’t knock it until you have tried it. And don’t comment on it until you have used it. In fact, the arm is very stable and works well.

Mostly Plastic
Yep. Just like the Ridgid OSS that everyone raves about. Get with it, it’s the 21st century.

This saw isn’t for everyone. It’s a piece of equipment for those who have hobbies and want the benefit of an extra piece of equipment for notching, touching up corners, creating scrolls, cutting out internal shapes, etc., and want the benefit of not having to continuously change over machinery. I have a Bosch jig saw, a skil saw, 2 band saws and a sawzall. This is an additional unique saw, and I feel it adds and compliments my shop for the things I do. It’s not a german masterpiece, it’s a decent piece of equipment at a good price I will utilize from time to time.


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