Donnerstag, 31. März 2011

Green light for new South Derbyshire power station (Press Release)

Green light for new South Derbyshire power station (Press Release)

04 March 2011
DECC Press Release: 2011/019

Energy Minister Charles Hendry today gave the go-ahead for RWE npower proposals to construct a new gas power plant at Willington, South Derbyshire.

Charles Hendry, who will visit the proposed site later today, said:

“The Willington plant will play an important role in providing secure electricity supplies to millions of homes, as well as bringing jobs and investment to South Derbyshire.

“Gas plants like Willington will continue to be a central part in the country’s energy mix as we make move towards a low carbon economy.

“There is a also a major opportunity in the long-term for gas power stations like this to be fitted with abatement technology. This station will be built carbon capture ready, which means that eventually CO2 emissions from the plant could be captured and transported for storage offshore.”

If built, the combined cycle gas turbine plant would take about three years to construct, and will be located on the site of the former Willington A and B power stations which closed in the 1990s.

The plans are for a new power station comprising of up to four CCGT generating units, each around 500MW in capacity, and four open cycle gas turbine (OCGT) generating units with a combined capacity of 400MW – bringing a total capacity of up to 2400 MW. This brings the total new capacity consented by the Government since May to 5456MW.

Notes to editors

  1. Further documents on the consents can be found here  
  2. For further information on RWE npower’s proposals for Willington, see the RWE npower website:


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