Donnerstag, 31. März 2011

Micro-Hydro Training in Paonia, Colorado, Provides Hands-on Experience

Ken Gardner, Solar Energy International InstructorBy Ken Gardner, Solar Energy International Instructor

Micro-hydro power permits harnessing a source of power 24-7.

Solar Energy International's Micro-Hydro Training - MH101: Micro-Hydro Design & Installation hands-on workshop May 16-20 in Paonia, Colorado, will be a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on experience along with tours to existing micro-hydro sites.

During the workshop, participants will learn seven ways to measure water flow and five ways to determine elevation difference known as "head." Participants will help assemble a high-head and low-head micro-hydro system for testing and demonstration. Fourteen in-house lab worksheets permit students to have a firsthand experience completing calculations necessary in the design of a micro-hydro site.
Micro-hydro training

�The five-day course is divided into the following topics:

  • Overview of Micro-Hydro
  • Micro-Hydro Components
  • Hydraulic Fundamentals and Power Calculations
  • Elevation (Head) Measurement Methods
  • Water Flow Determination and Measurement
  • Intake Types and Design
  • Turbine Types and Selection
  • Pipe Material Selection and Design
  • Pipeline And Appurtenances
  • Power House and Appurtenances
  • Diversion Load Types and Sizing
  • Generator Types and Selection
  • Inverters and Balance of System

Micro-Hydro Design & Installation is structured so that students without prior knowledge of micro-hydro power principles or those with training in the fields of engineering or technology may benefit equally from the course. Two instructors teach the class and are available during class and after hours for personal assistance.
Micro-hydro training
A comprehensive course manual (approx. 250 pages) is provided to each student which includes numerous articles on the subject of micro-hydro power to assist students with real life examples.

At the completion of the workshop, students should feel comfortable launching into the process of designing and installing micro-hydro projects including water right permits and where necessary permits with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Register online at or call (970) 963-8855 to speak to a freindly SEI staffer.

See you in Paonia in May!


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