Dienstag, 29. März 2011

Hooking up to the machines...

Having installed the clear ducting… it is now time to connect to the individual pieces of equipment..
6 inch hose from the Dusty to the Cyclone…the intake is 5 inch and reduced down to 4 inch for the ducting..

You can see in this pic the DC, the dust deputy cyclone, jointer and bandsaw… the flex tube connecting the duct to the machines is also clear..and each drop down has a blast gate installed… to isolate the machines from the system until needed.
I had a comment regarding a T junction leading to the over head ducting…

I do not consider this a problem as the T is in fact coming in from the top and not trying to draw dust up…

Foreground shows part of the new cabinet saw.. the Jet 16/32 is hooked up and working great.. I have yet to build a cabinet for the INCRA router table but have made provision for dust connection under the cabinet and also for the wonderfence built in dust port..[ on order from Graeme at PWS.]

A quick shot of the TWC… I will be blogging separately about this connection… I feel it requires its own post…
As does the new dust hood I made for the SCMS… so stay tuned..

Edit… for those who commented on the last post about the lack of empty beer bottles… you all missed the one on the bench behind the tablesaw in the last pic…

Source: http://lumberjocks.com/topics/25803

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