Donnerstag, 31. März 2011

Leadership Training Teaches Kids About Solar Energy and a Sustainable Future

By Noah Davis, Solar In The Schools Manager

Teaching kids anything at all can be rewarding. But teaching kids how they can be part of a responsible, sustainable new energy society is gratifying beyond belief.

Solar In the Schools recently had the chance to work with the Alliance for Climate Education to bring leadership training to a group of high-school student leaders from throughout the Roaring Fork Valley.�

See the rad video of our leadership training day.

The Alliance for Climate Education is a nationwide non-profit that has developed a very successful model for awakening high-school students to the dangers of climate change - as well as achievable solutions. In less than two years this start-up nonprofit has reached more than 700,000 students with its high-energy, animated whole-school presentation. As a result, thousands of students have started up action teams and taken on all kinds of climate-fixing projects in their schools and communities.

Of course solving climate change is not simple or easy, nor is it for the faint of heart. But we at Solar Energy International know that the solutions hinge on energy. Climate change is humankind's biggest impact on our planet, and energy is humankind's biggest impact on climate change. The solutions that student action teams are suggesting - recycling programs, bike to school, building efficiency, etc. - make the difference by changing the way the world uses and sources its energy. How we use energy and where we source it will make all the difference.

On the training day, students gave up their Sunday in exchange for leadership training from the Alliance for Climate Education. They spent the day discussing goals and how to make things happen in their energy clubs and action teams.

Solar In the Schools was there to reinforce the connection between climate change and energy. Students worked hands-on with solar thermal technology, photovoltaic-powered electrical loads and series and parallel wiring. Which is another way to say that they blew up a giant garbage bag to make a solar hot-air balloon, inflated a fatsuit costume with solar electric panels, and powered other fans and toys by wiring together individual photovoltaic cells.

The students were also able to visit a cutting-edge strawbale home being built by sustainable building expert Laura Bartels of Greenweaver Inc. The 2nd St. LIFE Project is an applied research project for sustainable, affordable residential design in cold climates. The design creates a superinsulated, low impact high performance home on an infill lot in Carbondale. Not only did students get to tour the building under construction - they actually helped build it by stuffing straw into underinsulated areas that had been found with a thermal imaging camera.



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Woodworking with Pine

Pine is one of the most common softwoods available at home centers. Pine is typically regarded as utilitarian, but it can also be used for building fine woodworking projects. Stable pine, particularly old long-leaf pine, is quite beautiful in fine furniture. Learn tips for getting the most out of pine in your woodworking projects.


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Green light for new South Derbyshire power station (Press Release)

Green light for new South Derbyshire power station (Press Release)

04 March 2011
DECC Press Release: 2011/019

Energy Minister Charles Hendry today gave the go-ahead for RWE npower proposals to construct a new gas power plant at Willington, South Derbyshire.

Charles Hendry, who will visit the proposed site later today, said:

“The Willington plant will play an important role in providing secure electricity supplies to millions of homes, as well as bringing jobs and investment to South Derbyshire.

“Gas plants like Willington will continue to be a central part in the country’s energy mix as we make move towards a low carbon economy.

“There is a also a major opportunity in the long-term for gas power stations like this to be fitted with abatement technology. This station will be built carbon capture ready, which means that eventually CO2 emissions from the plant could be captured and transported for storage offshore.”

If built, the combined cycle gas turbine plant would take about three years to construct, and will be located on the site of the former Willington A and B power stations which closed in the 1990s.

The plans are for a new power station comprising of up to four CCGT generating units, each around 500MW in capacity, and four open cycle gas turbine (OCGT) generating units with a combined capacity of 400MW – bringing a total capacity of up to 2400 MW. This brings the total new capacity consented by the Government since May to 5456MW.

Notes to editors

  1. Further documents on the consents can be found here  
  2. For further information on RWE npower’s proposals for Willington, see the RWE npower website:


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Upgraded Workbench #1: What to Improve

I have been wanting to upgrade and rebuild my workbench for sometime but just haven’t gotten around to it. I think the time is now so I’ll begin work once I get the current project finished. In this video I’ll about my present one and what I like and don’t like.


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Raising the Bar and Then Raising it Again

Last week, it was announced that China's National Energy Administration is renewing and even upping its push for increased renewable energy in the country, as was put in place in the 12th Five Year Plan, the government's quinquennial roadmap for development from 2011 to 2115.


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Renewable Heat Incentive: Written Ministerial Statement by Chris Huhne, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change

Renewable Heat Incentive: Written Ministerial Statement by Chris Huhne, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change

Written Ministerial Statement by Chris Huhne

10 March 2011


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Another very useful joint for connecting two pieces of stock, particularly when building cabinets, is the rabbet. A rabbet is merely a dado cut into one piece of wood at the edge that will securely hold another piece of wood. This article shows you how to properly cut and when to use rabbets in your woodworking projects.


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Clean Coal or Dirty Coal?

When President Bush said ?America is addicted to oil?, he could also have said that America is addicted to coal.

Most Americans are not aware of the sheer scale of current coal use in the United States. Over 50% of electricity is generated from coal with 20 pounds of coal per a person being burnt every day to generate electricity.

While questions are increasingly being raised about remaining oil and gas reserves, we are assured that there is plenty of coal left to burn. Indeed in a talk to a meeting of builders and contractors at the Capital Hilton on June 8, 2005 President Bush asked the audience,
"Do you realize we've got 250 million years of coal?"

Hopefully readers will spot this obvious gaffe. The figure quoted by the coal industry is 250 years of reserves, not 250 million years. The energy illiteracy of the average person is worrying enough, but in our political leadership it is a real cause for concern.

There are an estimated one trillion tons of recoverable coal in the world, by far the largest reserve of fossil fuel left on the planet. The United States has over 25% of the world?s recoverable coal reserves. An important point to remember when considering how many years of coal we have left is that these figures are based on current rates of consumption and do no take into account growing demand for electricity. Since 1980 coal use for power generation has increased by over 75%.

A good percentage of the coal that?s left is too dirty to be burned in conventional power plants and much of its buried in inconvenient places. In 1974 the USGS published an estimate of the recoverable reserve base at 243 billion tons. This however failed to take into account real world restrictions on mining: state and national parks, roads, towns, proximity to railroads, coal quality, losses during mining and geologic limitations. When these are factored in less than 50% of the coal estimated as ?recoverable? in the 1974 study was available for mining. This fails to taken into account how much is economically recoverable at market prices. In a 1989 study by the U.S. Bureau of Mines in Kentucky, at $30 a ton 22% of coal was economically recoverable. The author Tim Rohrbacher wrote ?a strong argument can be made that traditional coal producing regions may soon be experiencing resource depletion problems far greater and much sooner than previously thought?.

Recently there has been a rise in suggestions that America should replace its addiction to oil, with diesel fuel made from American coal. There is currently in place a Coal-to-Liquids Tax Credit of $0.50/gallon in place until 2023. The idea has been around for a long while, in the second world war it was used by the Germans to make Nazi oil from coal when their supply of normal gasoline was cut off. I remember when I first started researching peak oil I realised after awhile if things got bad that coal rich countries might turn to making Nazi oil in desperation when petroleum depletion started to bite. Of course calls to start building Coal to Liquids plants aren?t proof that petroleum depletion is well advanced, but I hardly see it as a source for optimism.

Fischer-Tropsch pilot plant

You don?t need to be an expert on coal liquefaction to realise that it?s a bad idea as this article on AutoblogGreen shows. It?s expensive, uses lots of water, produces double the carbon dioxide when compared to regular petroleum use and produces diesel when the vast majority of the U.S. car fleet runs on gasoline. Over at the Ergosphere, the Engineer Poet crunches the numbers and compares coal to liquids versus electric vehicles. He calculates that to replace the United States petroleum consumption at current rates would take 214 four billion dollar coal to liquid plants (that?s not far off a trillion dollars in investment) and the mining of an additional one and a half billion tons of coal a year, in addition to the one billion tons already being mined for electricity generation. It should be noted that the high percentage of electricity currently produced from coal is not an argument against electric vehicles, this is something I have covered in detail elsewhere on this blog. Electric motors are inherently more efficient than the internal combustion engine. It is far easier to control emissions from large power plant, than from the exhausts of thousands of cars. Electric vehicles are not reliant on one source of energy and in the longer term polluting non-renewable sources of electricity can be replaced by clean alternative energy.

The coal industry?s promotion of the idea that America has a vast reserve of coal is slowing the transition to clean renewable sources of energy. In addition to tv spots showing child actors extolling the virtues of coal, the industry has spent heavily to get the ear of the political establishment. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Peabody Energy, the world?s largest coal company spent over 5% of its revenues on political contributions, for comparison Exxon Mobil and General Motors spent a fraction of one percent.

In seeming return for such generosity, The Energy Policy Act of 2005 included five billion dollars of subsidies for the coal industry.

Virtually every power plant built in America between 1975 and 2002 was fired by natural gas. However between 1970 and 2000, the amount of coal America used to generate electricity tripled.

Now with natural gas prices rising steeply, U.S. power utilities are expected to build the equivalent of 280 500 megawatt coal-fired electricity power plants between 2003 and 2030. China is already constructing the equivalent of one large coal burning power plant a week with two thirds of energy production coming from dirty coal. 16 of the 20 most polluted cities in the world are in China. India is the third largest producer of coal in the world, also getting over two thirds of its energy from coal. If these new coal plants are built, they will add as much carbon dioxide to the atmosphere as has been released by all the coal burned in the last 250 years.

Acid run off from coal mining

Coal?s sale price may be low, but the true costs of its extraction, processing and consumption are high. Our use of coal leads to ravaged mountains, air pollution from acidic and toxic emissions and fouled water supplies. Coal mining is massively more invasive than oil or gas drilling. Coal burning power plants account for more than two-thirds of sulfur dioxide, 22% of nitrogen oxides, nearly 40% of carbon dioxide and a third of all mercury emissions in the United States. Results of the largest mercury hair sampling project in the U.S. found mercury levels exceeding the EPA?s recommended limit of one microgram of mercury per gram of hair in one in five women of childbearing age tested. Each year coal plants produce about 130 million tons of solid waste, about three times more than all the municipal garbage in the U.S. The American Lung Association calculates that around 24,000 people a year die prematurely from the effects of coal fired power plant pollution.

Techniques for addressing CO2 emissions exist, although the will to quickly implement them lags.

The techniques electric utilities could apply to keep much of the carbon dioxide they produce from entering the atmosphere are known as CO2 capture or geological carbon sequestration. This involves separating the CO2 as it is created and pumping it underground to be stored.

Until recently I wasn?t aware that all the technological components needed for carbon sequestration are commercially ready (according to an article in September?s Scientific American magazine) as they have already been proven in applications unrelated to avoidance of climate change. However integrated systems have yet to be built on a commercial scale.

Capture technologies have been deployed extensively throughout the world both in the manufacture of chemicals (e.g. fertilizer) and in the purification of natural gas. Industry has gained experience with CO2 storage in operations to purify natural gas, principally in Canada, as well as using carbon dioxide to boost oil production, mainly in the United States.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimated in 2005 that it is highly likely that geologic locations worldwide are capable of sequestering at least two trillion metric tons of CO2 - more than is likely to be produced by fossil fuel consuming power plants this century.

Carbon sequestration is not without risk. The two main risks are sudden escape and gradual leakage of carbon dioxide. In 1986 at Lake Nyos in Cameroon, Africa carbon dioxide originating from a volcano killed over 1,700 people. However according to IPCC this is unlikely for engineered CO2 storage in carefully selected, deep porous geologic rock formations. In regard to gradual leakage the IPCC estimated in 2005 that in excess of 99% of carbon sequestered is ?very likely? to remain in place for at least one hundred years.

Studies indicate that 85%-95% of the carbon in coal could be sequestered using existing power generation technologies.

A key point is that fundamentally different approaches to carbon capture would need to be pursued for power plants using the old pulverised coal technology as opposed to the newer integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC). IGCC plants use heat and pressure to cook off impurities in coal and convert it into a synthetic gas, this gas is then burnt in a turbine. These plants are 10% more efficient than conventional plants, consume 40% less water, produce 50% less solid waste and burn almost as cleanly as natural gas plants.

Although building IGCC power plants is slightly more expensive (10%-20%), IGCC is likely to be the most effective and cheapest option for carbon capture.

In an IGCC plant designed to capture CO2 the syngas exiting the gasifier, after being cooled and cleaned of particles, would be reacted with steam to make a gas made up mainly of CO2 and hydrogen. The CO2 would then be extracted and pumped to a storage site. The remaining hydrogen would be burned to generate more power. Captured carbon dioxide can by piped up to several hundred miles to a suitable geologic storage site.

A recent study found that for carbon capture in a saline formation one hundred kilometers from a power plant would cost an additional 1.9 cents per kilowatt-hour (over the generation cost of 4.7 cents per kilowatt-hour for a coal IGCC plant that vents carbon dioxide), making a 40% premium. With coal generation costing 6.6 cents for a kilowatt hour, this would make wind power cheaper than coal and with technology advances could also provide a boost to other renewable energy sources (e.g. concentrating solar power).

However electricity producers are rushing to build conventional coal pulverisation power plants, just as they rushed to build coal plants without sulfur scrubbers prior to legislation coming into force. This is short-sighted as it is more expensive, more energy intensive and less effective to attempt to capture carbon from conventional coal power plants. It is highly likely that having built these plants, that the coal industry would expect the taxpayer to foot the bill for the additional expense. Of the one hundred or so plants being planned or under construction in America only a handful use IGCC technology.

Proposed Design for FutureGen

FutureGen, is the Department of Energy financed one billion dollar zero emissions plant intended to turn coal into electricity and hydrogen. Proposed in 2003 and backed by a consortium of coal and electric companies, it is not due to come online until at least 2013. Many in the industry consider this date to be dubious nicknaming the project NeverGen. It is intended to make it look like the coal industry is doing something, while actually doing very little and in the process putting off changing how coal plants are built for a decade or two. Indeed in its Coal Vision report(pdf), the industry does not plan on building ?ultra-low emissions? plants on a commerical scale until between 2025 and 2035. According to the report ?there is considerable debate about the need to reduce CO2 emissions?. The report also states that ?achieving meaningful CO2 reductions would require significant technical advances?.

The report further states ?large scale and long term demonstrations of carbon sequestration technologies over a geographically and geologically diverse range of... sites are needed before making any policy decisions concerning carbon management?. The coal industry wants sequestration to be demonstrated not only in the United States but additionally ?similar assessments need to be conducted internationally?. In terms of who should pay for these demonstrations the report writes ?the government must play a significant role?.

It sounds that if the coal industry has its way, it won?t be using carbon capture for many decades.

Instead of waiting until 2013 or even 2035, the coal industry could be building IGCC power plants with carbon capture now. The rush to build conventional coal pulverisation plants is extremely short sighted as these plants could be operating for the next fifty years or more.

In the first instance I advocate maximising our use of clean renewable energy. At the moment wind power is being used to generate only 0.5% of electricity in the United States. Using existing technology wind power could cost effecively generate a significant portion of many countries electricity supply. Significant sums of money should also be invested in making solar power and wave power more cost effective, as well as investments in energy long shots such as cellulosic ethanol and fusion power. If we are going to continue to use coal as global society as a major source of energy, which seems pretty much inevitable for at least the next few decades in key countries such as the United States, China & India, then we should be building IGCC power plants with carbon capture and retiring existing dirty coal plants now. If there are unforeseen problems with carbon capture, we need to find out now rather than in a few decades time. The coal industry's business as usual attitude is simply not acceptable.

Jeff Goodell in his recent book ?Big Coal? concludes, ?coal gives us a false sense of security, if we run out of gas and oil, we can just switch over to coal? the most dangerous things about our continued dependence on coal is it preserves the illusion that we don?t have to change our thinking?.

Further Reading:
?Big Coal? by Jeff Goodell
?What to Do About Coal?? in Scientific American September, 2006

Lively Discussion of Coal to Liquids

Coal Vision by the Coal Based Generation Stakeholders Group

Mountaintop Removal

A Quick Guide to Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining

When Will Coal Production Peak?


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Finishing with Shellac

Shellac has been a finish of choice for woodworkers since the early 1800's. Shellac is actually derived from a secretion from an insect, which, when processed and mixed with alcohol, makes an amazing finish for woodworking projects. Learn the history of shellac and how to properly apply and refinish with shellac.


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How to Choose the Proper Screw Size

Driving a Deck ScrewWhen using screws as mechanical fasteners, the woodworker needs to consider the length and diameter of the screws to be used. While there are no set specific rules for ...

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Micro-Hydro Training in Paonia, Colorado, Provides Hands-on Experience

Ken Gardner, Solar Energy International InstructorBy Ken Gardner, Solar Energy International Instructor

Micro-hydro power permits harnessing a source of power 24-7.

Solar Energy International's Micro-Hydro Training - MH101: Micro-Hydro Design & Installation hands-on workshop May 16-20 in Paonia, Colorado, will be a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on experience along with tours to existing micro-hydro sites.

During the workshop, participants will learn seven ways to measure water flow and five ways to determine elevation difference known as "head." Participants will help assemble a high-head and low-head micro-hydro system for testing and demonstration. Fourteen in-house lab worksheets permit students to have a firsthand experience completing calculations necessary in the design of a micro-hydro site.
Micro-hydro training

�The five-day course is divided into the following topics:

  • Overview of Micro-Hydro
  • Micro-Hydro Components
  • Hydraulic Fundamentals and Power Calculations
  • Elevation (Head) Measurement Methods
  • Water Flow Determination and Measurement
  • Intake Types and Design
  • Turbine Types and Selection
  • Pipe Material Selection and Design
  • Pipeline And Appurtenances
  • Power House and Appurtenances
  • Diversion Load Types and Sizing
  • Generator Types and Selection
  • Inverters and Balance of System

Micro-Hydro Design & Installation is structured so that students without prior knowledge of micro-hydro power principles or those with training in the fields of engineering or technology may benefit equally from the course. Two instructors teach the class and are available during class and after hours for personal assistance.
Micro-hydro training
A comprehensive course manual (approx. 250 pages) is provided to each student which includes numerous articles on the subject of micro-hydro power to assist students with real life examples.

At the completion of the workshop, students should feel comfortable launching into the process of designing and installing micro-hydro projects including water right permits and where necessary permits with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Register online at or call (970) 963-8855 to speak to a freindly SEI staffer.

See you in Paonia in May!


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craziest pet/woodworking accident ever

I was a new woodworker, no table saw for cutting sheet goods. I had sheet of ply sitting on saw horses, using my dewalt circular saw, a Christmas gift from my loving wife. Following my pencil line, I felt my saw hit something, felt liike maybe some knot or hard spot in wood so I continued cutting. Then out of my peripheral vision, I seen our “pain in the rear” terrior was shaking her head violently, as if to be sneezing badly. The difference, with every shake of the head, blood would splatter everywhere. Now I am a dog lover, we have two now, but that was the worst dog I have ever had. While I was concerned for her, there definitely. Was that part of me that said “serves her right”. That dog was always so disobedient and just would not listen and was simply obnoxious.

Well, in hind sight, I am sure glad she did not bite a blade I was running that had SS technology. And since she survived with some minimal flesh wounds, I am sure she learned a valuable lesson, “don’t bite the blade that is spinning fast.”


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Mittwoch, 30. März 2011

How Arizona Residents Can Tap Into Local, State and Federal Incentives To Go Solar


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Modeling a Windsor Chair - Part 1

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This image gallery contains pictures of all of the Free Woodworking Plans. Click on any image to see the step-by-step instructions for building these woodworking projects in your workshop.


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Craft Storage Center Plans

If you need a set of shelves for storing some relatively lightweight items (such as fabric in a sewing room), check out these free woodworking plans to build a craft storage center. We've included an optional folding ironing board in the measured drawing and bill of materials. Build your own craft storage center today!


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Plug-In Hybrid Campaign

I encourage everyone to sign this online plug in hybrid campaign urging automakers to produce plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). The petition basically says, 'If you build it, we will buy it.' Plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles are key to energy independence and reducing pollution.

Over 40 percent of the generating capacity in the U.S. sits idle or operates at a reduced load overnight, when most PHEVs would be charged. That means tens of millions of plug-ins could be charged every night without the need to build additional electric generation capacity.

According to the California Electric Transportation Coalition that commissioned a study, if automakers begin producing Plug-Ins within the next few years, 2.5 million cars (eight percent of the cars on America's roads) could be Plug-Ins by the year 2020. That's the equivalent of taking as many as 5 million of today's vehicles off the road. Annually that's 11.5 million tons of CO2 which won't be emitted and 1.14 Billion gallons of gasoline would be saved each year. For those concerned about energy security it is definitely a step in the right direction. Less than 2% of U.S. electricity is generated from oil, so using electricity as a transportation fuel would greatly reduce dependence on imported petroleum.

Sign the Plug-In Hybrid Petition


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Plate Joiner

A plate joiner is often referred to as a biscuit cutter, and while if has a single purpose, it performs that task with with incredible accuracy. Learn how to properly use a plate joiner, and the features you should look for when purchasing one of these handy woodworking tools.


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Charging your electric car with home solar power can save thousands

Watch this video by an LA Times reporter who is charging her electric car with solar panels on her roof.

She did not mention the fuel savings by solar powering her car. �Think of your own experience and you know that you spend between $1,200 and $2,400 per year on gasoline to go about 15,000 miles. �In contrast, The U.S. Department of Energy recently estimated that an electric vehicle will cost about $400 per year in traditional electric utility costs to drive that same 15,000 miles. �Even better, by using home solar, there is no ongoing fuel cost.� The future can be a very exciting thing!


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Ridgid BS1400 Band Saw Review

The Ridgid BS1400 Band Saw is one of a number of entry-level band saws that have hit the market in the past few years marketed toward hobbyist woodworkers. While the Ridgid Band Saw certainly doesn't have the horsepower for production shop work, it may be the perfect choice for the weekend woodworker. Check out our review of this solid, but basic band saw.


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How Arizona Residents Can Tap Into Local, State and Federal Incentives To Go Solar


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Fine Woodworking ? Hand Tool Safety


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A year ago I purchased and installed a Delta T2 fence on my Craftsman tablesaw. I would like to...


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Dienstag, 29. März 2011

Roof Solar Tiles for Alternative Power Production

Needless to say, when it comes to alternative forms of energy, roof solar tiles or shingles are simply one of the best and innovative means by which a home owner is able to gather and harness the energy coming from the sun with the purpose of generating sufficient electrical power needed to run the small appliances and devices at home. These days, home owners have roofing tile materials to cover up the homes and protect them from natural elements, but it seems to be such a waste that it just sits there and do nothing when if fact, it can do more than just an effective home covering. It is definitely time to put such tiles to useful work by generating significant power for use in the homes.

Solar roofing tiles

One might not believe it, but if he engages in photovoltaic roofing, the use of such high technology can actually save the home owner almost 60 percent of the cost of home power that he consumes every month. For those who have small businesses such as a grocery or a convenience store or even a small office, such sun power technology can definitely work to provide alternative energy in the form of solar power so long as one has a roof on which to install solar gadgets on.

Surely, many consumers and home owners already know about the fact that sun-based power is a form of energy that is totally clean and does not cause any harmful pollution to our environment. Solar roof tiles for example do not need any fuel for them to run and they only need the rays of the sun to function; and most importantly they do it in a very quiet way. Yes, all that a consumer needs when he decides to utilize photovoltaic roof tiles are the light coming from the sun. This should never be a problem since sunshine abound in great amount for the sun-powered tiles as they are located on top of one?s abode, where all the rays of the sun fall down. Indeed, as long as sun light is available, solar shingles or tiles will keep on generating solar energy.

Roof Solar Tiles

Indeed, there is now the photovoltaic roofing technology that is easily available, wherein photovoltaic solar cells are utilized as efficient components of solar roofing tiles. Definitely such types of tiles are relatively new and unique if only because these gadgets do not only function as a rooftop component but they are also meant to produce alternative form of power for household use. Of course, the more conventional ones such as the residential home solar panels have been around for many years now. However, a good number of property owners are wary about using such devices because they are considered to be very bulky and heavy. In cases of storms or other natural calamities, there is a great possibility for the sun-powered panels to be damaged. In the other hand, when it comes to roof solar tiles, people will be able to avoid such problems but will still be able to benefit from solar power.

When it comes to advantages and benefits, people are assured that there are a lot of them when it comes to using photovoltaic roofing. One of the advantages is that they not only exist in your roof in order to collect and generate energy, but of course, just like any other type of roof tiling materials, solar roof tiles provide the same type of durability and protection that you want over your heads. Actually, whatever protection benefits that one can get from the standard type of tiles, he can also get this from the sun powered ones. Of course, this is also aside from the fact that they are appealing and certainly adds a great amount of aesthetics to one?s property

Sun Roof Tile Manufacturers

In the United States, there are two corporations that are in the forefront when it comes to the production and distribution of sun-powered roof tiles; these are the Dow Chemical Company and SRS Energy Co. Dow Chemical, primarily a chemical company, utilizes copper indium gallium diselenide film in the harnessing of sun power. While the product of Dow is not as effective as the conventional type, they are very inexpensive and cheap to install. On the other hand, SRS Energy is the manufacturer of Sole Power Tile, product that works on the principle of photovoltaic roofing. SRS?s Tiles has an edge at it is quite pleasing in appearance, being made in ceramics.

Solar Roof Installation

If a home owner decides that he wants to replace his old roofing of his home with that of photovoltaic roofing, it is very possible. All that one has to do is install them on top of the roof and certainly, they will begin the process of sun power generation for the advantage and use of the household. For those who have no roof experience or do not have the time to do the installation, they can always employ a roof professional to do all the installing work. There is little to worry about as the expenses needed to install roof solar tiles are quite low.

Another thing to remember is that the components of such sun powered devices are very light in weight, which means it will cause no damage to the roof of the property, but instead will protect and secure it all the more. This is aside from the fact that alternative energy derived from the rays of the sun is created for use of the household, which is its primary purpose and function in the first place.

Indeed, when it comes to getting alternative energy, particularly one coming from the sun, a home owner can take advantage of his rooftop by installing roof solar tiles all over it, instead of the conventional shingles. Nowadays, tiles are no longer just meant to provide security and protection on top of the head but they are also useful gadgets which efficiently work to create viable alternative energy that?s excellent for home use.
Image credit: colincookman


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Hooking up to the machines...

Having installed the clear ducting… it is now time to connect to the individual pieces of equipment..
6 inch hose from the Dusty to the Cyclone…the intake is 5 inch and reduced down to 4 inch for the ducting..

You can see in this pic the DC, the dust deputy cyclone, jointer and bandsaw… the flex tube connecting the duct to the machines is also clear..and each drop down has a blast gate installed… to isolate the machines from the system until needed.
I had a comment regarding a T junction leading to the over head ducting…

I do not consider this a problem as the T is in fact coming in from the top and not trying to draw dust up…

Foreground shows part of the new cabinet saw.. the Jet 16/32 is hooked up and working great.. I have yet to build a cabinet for the INCRA router table but have made provision for dust connection under the cabinet and also for the wonderfence built in dust port..[ on order from Graeme at PWS.]

A quick shot of the TWC… I will be blogging separately about this connection… I feel it requires its own post…
As does the new dust hood I made for the SCMS… so stay tuned..

Edit… for those who commented on the last post about the lack of empty beer bottles… you all missed the one on the bench behind the tablesaw in the last pic…


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